Iceland's going under...

Now that is a platform I can relate to. I’m in.

Dang. And I have a couple billion ISK, too.

Well, things might be going to hell in a handbasket come monday.

But the responses here have completely made me smile :slight_smile:

And I guess we could pillage some hunks for you warrior-maidens as well.

Alberta is NOTHING like Texas! You can go almost an entire day in Alberta without seeing someone wearing a cowboy hat. And we have tornadoes, not hurricanes! :smiley:

I’d rather have Turks and Caicos if it’s all the same (no offense, Wormie).

Why can’t we have both? The cross-cultural pollination would be …interesting.
And thus the Canadian Empire is born…

Hey, I’m founding the IVC* here and you Canadians are working out a purchase of Iceland?

No, no, no… I’m setting up conqueror mode here - it’s the Icelandic Empire that will rise from the ashes of burning banks.

And on a more serious note. Now we have rumors going of one of the big banks not opening their offices on monday. I hope it ain’t mine.

*See one of my previous posts in this thread.

I don’t know, I’ve never Viked.

I sent some Euryale ferox to a fellow in Iceland several years ago. He was water gardening in a pool heated or rather warmed, since the tropical lily grew, by a hot spring. The water iris frozen shortly above the surface.
How’s that for digression?

I wonder if I still have his address.

Sorry to hear this about Iceland. I was there ages ago. loved it and it was a vibrant economy - actually quite pricey for this poor American.

Now if you guys had been smart, you would have had a few Icelandic lobbyists cuddling up to Bush over the past few years and he would have thrown you a few billion in our recent bailout.

What day was that? I’ve seen guys in their cowboy hats in the sauna in Alberta!

Actually, the Manat has strengthened against the dollar by around 15% in the last year. It makes imported beer beer a lot more expensive here. Maybe you’re thinking of the Uzbek Yaktoken.

I met a few ladies from there in the past, beautiful and inteligent- bummer that the husbands were sharp as well. They had cousins however :):).

What’s a few more billion for bailout!

I probably am. It just said in the paper that the ISK was the 3 worst performing currency this year. the Zimbabwe Dollar and some -Stan country’s money.

Well, you know. We tried to get on the deal the Nordic Central Banks did with the US.

Couldn’t get in on it :frowning:

And get Denmark to bail you out?

  1. Pull some of those old dragon ships out of mothballs.

  2. Tell everyone that they are really unmanned drone gliders, built to defend your enormous untapped oil reserves.

  3. Invite the UN to send inspectors to verify that you possess no NBCV (Nuclear/Biological/Chemical/Vikingal) weaponry.*

  4. That should be it, really. The USA will roll in and solve all your problems. Americans are a deeply generous people, and will happily dive trillions of dollars into debt on your behalf. You just have to know how to ask.
    *If you actually do have any of these, by all means get rid of them tout suite. Remember, America helps those who help themselves.

Cause the Faroese only have self-rule from Denmark. We declared independence in 1945.

But wait! You’re being bailed out by … the Russkies, of all people. Interesting times, to say the least.

Interesting times indeed. Just yesterday we got “martial law” in the financial sector, giving the FCC* pretty much unlimited powers to handle the Financial Sector.

So far, one bank-board ousted and replaced by FCC lackeys and more to come.

I found this articlein the Daily Telegraph, which gives quite a good picture of the situation up until today.
Btw - nobody hiring? Anywhere? I´m up for pretty much anything?

*The Icelandic Financial Control Commission.