If a SCOTUS Justice were charged with a crime. . .

Is there some reason you think he wasn’t “practicing rigorous honesty” when he said “I never saw Brett act in the manner Dr. Ford describes”?

Judge, like Kavanaugh, was doubtless drunk at the time and doesn’t recall much of it. But he could still testify over the culture of (underage) drinking at the time. Too bad the statute of limitations actually applies in this case.

One reason I think that Ford was honest is that if she were making it up, she certainly would have charged him with actual penetration.

Alternate possibility: Mark Judge doesn’t know anything more than what he has already said about it, since it never actually happened, and he sees no reason to get any further involved in the shit show.

Imagine that I accused you of witnessing someone grope me 20 years ago. Imagine that you don’t remember it happening, because to your knowledge it never happened. If my accusation became a national media sensation, what do you think would be your reaction?
I really don’t think you’d be all, “Hell yes, sign me up for hours of deposition about this and scrutiny from tabloid media!”. If you could, you would probably prefer to just issue a statement that you don’t know what I am talking about and have nothing more to say about it.

“Reported that he has” or reported that people speculate that he has?

NM. I read “Judge Kavanaugh”, not “Judge”. You are correct. He wrote a book about it.

Nice conspiracy theory. Too bad for your side that it almost certainly isn’t true.

I’m sorry, exactly how does the quoted language describe a conspiracy?

Right, the Congressional privilege in the Constitution only applies to arrest on the “Civil Process”, basically an arrest in lieu of a Summons or if someone did not appear in Court to answer the Complaint, it does not apply to ANY criminal act. Back when it as drawn up in 1787, such Civil Process arrests were common.

My state has such law, it even forbids arrest of a person going to or coming from a worship service.

President U.S. Grant was arrested by a DC officer for speeding through town after being warned to not do it, but continued.