If any of the judges on American Idol quit, who would you replace them with?

Randy Jackson----> Smokey Robinson
Simon Cowell------> Elton John
Paual Abdul--------> Somebody not of this earth. Seriously, I have no idea what planet that lady is on when she speaks.

I’d like to offer up G. Gordon Liddy. It’s been a while since he’s had any pop culture exposure, and it’s either this or a cameo in a Quentin Tarantino flick. This would also have the side benefit of combating claims that Hollywood is nothing but a bunch of gutless Commie-pinko liberal bed wetters who couldn’t do ten minutes in “The Hole” without crying for their mommies or coke dealers.


:smiley: Hahaha! What a great suggestion!

Simon Cowell —> Sam the Eagle
Randy Jackson —> Rowlf the Dog
Paula Abdul —> Miss Piggy

Lewis Black :smiley:

Taking the question seriously, a replacement judge would have to be someone with real pop music credibility, either as a major hit performer (like Paula) or on the production side (like Simon) or a little of both (like Randy).

If Simon leaves, I think that Randy will take his chair, and suddenly become a lot more critical.

For a replacement, a great candidate with unquestionable pop music chops, a great background in pop star promotion (for herself at least), and always interesting opinions would be Madonna. I could easily see her replacing Paula, and probably Randy. She’d have to lose the faux British accent, though.

Was just thinking the same thing.

Comedy suggestion: Chuck Norris, either for the roundhouse kicks or for the winner being able to thank him afterwards. :smiley:


Either Paul Westerberg, or Statler and Waldorf.

Full-sized Ditka or mini-Ditka?