If Asian education systems are so rigorous, why do so many Asian students come to the U.S.?

Yeah, when I was in graduate school (MBA & IT), the Chinese (and Indian to a lesser extent) wanted to know where they could find THE answer to the test questions, or what THE answer was after we were reviewing the tests.

A lot of our testing wasn’t scan-tron, but rather stuff like “Here’s your product. Here’s some focus-group research. Come up with a marketing plan.” that doesn’t really have a “right” answer, but instead the professors are seeing by your marketing plan, whether you understood the interplay between the various factors, and why some things do and don’t work.

The Chinese students did MUCH better in things like operations research, economics and acccounting than they did in things like marketing, strategy, and believe it or not, IT. Our MBA program’s IT component was more along the lines of “design an IT solution for X business problem”, which required them to understand the business problem, and understand the informational requirements and design a solution for the problem.

They (the Chinese) also cheated like motherfuckers every chance they got, under the guise of “group studying” as well- they’d all get together and turn in the same assignment for everyone in the group.