If Christie is tarnished, does that impact the GOP's moderation efforts?

I can add still another objection. Remember Romney was almost never ahead in the Republican polls during the entire campaign. He won by having the resources and being the only candidate to not melt down. (Until he did when the 47% comment came out.) He might have had a chance if he moved left during the campaign, but for some reason he stayed out in right field.

Huntsman isn’t moderate at all: he is highly conservative. His problem is that he is way too neurotypical for the Republican primary electorate. I quote myself:

You can accept the scientific consensus on global warming. You can accept evolution. But both at the same time? That’s a bridge too far for the Republican electorate. Add to this his foreign policy credentials such as an Ambassadorship to China under Obama combined with fluency in Chinese and his candidacy is basically hopeless.

As for Romney’s barely convincing simulation of a frothing lunatic during the Republican primaries, I’ll quote myself again:

But conservative on social issues is what’s costing the GOP the Independents at this point. Until you learn to moderate that, you lose. Much of the country actually agrees with more conservative economics (of course until it’s their program that’s cut, but that’s true of everybody).


What I see as the big problem is that Pubbies will have to keep that up for EVERY Dem in the future, just to “prove” that when it was aimed at Obama, it wasn’t about race… :dubious:

On the contrary, I’d think they’d want to go easy on Clinton, that way they can blame Obama for being a crappy President.

The cognitive dissonance, it will burn.

Barack Obama is actually a pretty good president.

At what? Being unaware of what’s going on and therefore avoiding accountability?

My brother has called him ‘as bad as Bush’.

That would be because he’s just like Bush, only with Democratic policies instead of Republican ones. The methods are all the same: lack of transparency, spin, outright lies when necessary, along with lack of attention to the details of policy.

At least Obama isn’t letting Biden raid the treasury on behalf of his company. There have been no more new wars and the unnecessary ones that Bush started are winding down. The deficit is falling, unemployment is falling, more Americans are getting health insurance. His Supreme Court appointees have not been raving right wingers and should any of the current stinkers retire, he has a chance to neuter the Scalito wing. All this despite an opposition that met in secret on his first Inauguration Day to try to kill his administration in the crib.

Well, I guess doing little does mean he’s better than Bush. ANd for a small government conservative, a do-nothing President is a relative blessing. Spending is dropping because Republicans cut his budget requests by a couple hundred billion(probably $400 billion this year), unemployment is falling because Congress can’t pass more new laws handicapping business. SO basically he has to just manage his health care law. Seems to be quite the challenge, should be taking up all his time. Yet it doesn’t seem like he spends much time doing much of anything, actually. A lot like GWB in that way. And Reagan.

Stay on topic, please. The original topic was Christie and moderate Republicans.

My fault, sorry.

I like moderate Republicans myself, truly moderate ones anyway, as opposed to the ones who just try to straddle the issues. Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie are strong moderates. Specter was just a squish with no principles.

Christie I’ll have to wait to see the whole truth about Bridgegate before I make a judgement on whether I’d vote for him. Giuliani I’d support in a second.

Answering the OP question: No, for the same reason it does not impact the prospects of flying to the Moon on a chariot pulled by geese.

In order to impact a moderation effort, there must first be a moderation effort. As far as I can see, the firebrands are still ruling the roost. McConnell now says the Tea Party will be crushed and they won’t nominate any candidates, but I’m not seeing it as long as the primaries are decided by the most ardent partisans.

And let’s be clear about one thing: McConnell does not represent a moderate wing of the party. The K streeters are just as right wing as the Tea Party, they just can be bought. McConnell’s kinda pissed about the Tea Party reforms that made filling his pockets a little harder.

Naw, McConnell’s upset because he’s got to fend off a Tea Party challenge himself. McConnell doesn’t represent a moderate wing of the party because there really is no such animal. They sold their souls to the Tea Party devil to win in 2010, now they can’t buy them back.

I think the Tea Party can be a positive force in the GOP coalition. They just have to mature. I think baby steps have been taken in that regard. And Rand Paul certainly isn’t hurting in terms of positive media attention. Rubio too.