If it works in the Phillipins should Mexico try the same?

So wait. A junta takes over by military coup and then has an election that you think is rigged and so NATURALLY when someone first comes into power by winning the most votes and has a 90%+ approval rating, you think “well geez, I’ve seen THIS movie before”


Depends on who you believe. The military junta claims that they got over 90% of the vote while there were violent riots in the streets by college students and the military was massacring dissidents in Kwang Ju. YOu would start crying every time you got off at Kimpo airport because there was so much ear gas in the air that you would be affected if you hadn’t developed a tolerance by living in Korea.

The way you do it? Of course its meant as an insult. Who in their right mind would call someone ignorant because they didn’t know what happened in a fucking banana republic 50 fucking years ago? Seriously, what percentage of the SDMB do you think knows El Salvador’s political history from 50 years ago? Because you are either saying they are all ignorant or you were really just trying to insult me.

What explanation. Why do you speak so opaquely? Do you think someone will think you are smart or something?

Like what?

Your method of argument is so fucking ridiculous its making me fart.

here let me try your method of argument: Anyhow you’re wrong about so much stuff and even when you try to rebutt things that I say, you still manage to prove that the ignorant can never really stop being ignorant because they revel in their ignorance.