If the election was shown to be rigged would you want a do-over?

This. So very much this. That’s as a republican who didn’t vote for Trump and would have supported any of the other major candidates from either party over him. The process was monitored and certified under the supervision of both parties in accordance with the law. Those results were certified. Making up a new “process” on the fly to deal with situations not currently covered in the law or the constitution is a pretty clear case of the cure being worse than the disease IMO. It’s maybe not quite as bad as treating a toothache with a 12 gauge shotgun… maybe.

To save time and heartache-same two candidates.

Then no do-over.

But an Impeachment is the only constitutional mechanism provided for something resembling a do-over. A pure do-over of the election is much worse IMO than any results of a hacked election. You can’t unpop the balloon.

The only way to get a do over is to impeach. This puts Paul Ryan in as President.

How is that better?

As was once said “It’s Republicans all the way down!”

Not according to the guy who devised the hypothetical question in the first place.

For the purposes of this thread, the unpopping of balloons(election do-overs) are allowed.

Yes, but if you can unpop the balloon once you can threaten to do so any time someone doesn’t like the results of a election. Which is pretty much every election. There are some things in life that are definitive, and presidential elections fall into that category. For better or worse, the election is over. Assuming we had a magic wand I would vote (ha!) not to use it. We already have a better remedy without the awful long term consequences.

Trump said, on numerous occasions, that the election was rigged.
Sounds to me like he had prior knowledge. :smiley:

I think the OP was pretty clear that this is in the hypothetical case where large-scale fraud was found and verified to be true, not just people getting pissy just because the election didn’t go their way.

besides, don’t Parliamentary systems allow for another election if the previous one doesn’t result in a workable government?

Actually rigged, as in “the results published do not have much factual correspondence with how people actually voted” or “there was active material interference in the ability of duly registered citizens to cast their votes” or something of that ilk? Not merely “disinformation was promulgated and it appears to have affected stupid and credulous people in their voting behavior”?

Damn right, do it over. I hate the outcome of the race. If that outcome was legitimately attained, I have to live with it, but if it wasn’t then let’s try this thing again.

I tend to agree. I think the actual election-tampering was done in/to the minds of voters, not the mechanism itself. However, I would still want a redo now that people have gotten a chance to see the Great Orange Menace in action.

That’s called 2020.

If it could be shown that Trump and Pence broke the law, I would want them to be impeached and removed from office. Paul Ryan would then become the President.

I can’t see any circumstance in which I would want a special election.

Sweet Jesus, that guy looks like a crook.

I’m even wary of labeling myself Independent these days, since that label has become associated with alt-right and other psychotics.

If tampering is found, I will need to know the exact details and specifics of the tampering. Who arranged it. Why they did. Who knew they did. And so on.

If Trump won, and wasn’t in on it, because someone else wanted Clinton to lose, that makes a difference.

I’m sorry that Trump won, but I’m not sorry Clinton lost.

No do-over. Not only is there no Constitutional mechanism for such, but it would create a terrible precedent – we’d have constant complaints/arguments about election “rigging” no matter who won from now on.

It sucks that Trump won (though great that Hillary didn’t), we need to move on from that to figuring out how best to stop the worst of the bullshit that he’s going to try to ram through.

Even if we find out that Trump did rig the election, a do-over would be a disaster. Instead, impeach his ass…that’s the mechanism. AFAIK there is no mechanism for a do-over and it seems to me it would set a really bad precedent.

Once again, for the purpose of this hypothetical, it would be allowed.

As long as we are suspending reality, would Obama be allowed to run again?