If TV could show ANYthing...

Heh. I’ve always liked that movie. If people haven’t seen it yet, it’s on Netflix streaming.

Already proposed this in the thread about the show.

Cut Off (the rich little princesses getting a small dose of reality) meets The Killing Fields. Where they get an even stronger dose of potentially fatal reality.

I remember reading that story! I never forgot it.

A real Rollerball.

Crikey, you’re a bloodthirsty lot.

If there was a televised reality show showing people hunting each other down with guns, I think the point would get hammered in that it’s really really easy to get shot to death, and fewer people would fantasize that somehow they’d be the triumphant hero.

I have no interest in increased realistic violence on TV. Or anywhere, really.

I would like to see more uncensored natural behaviour, such as proper swearing in scenes that would warrant it, proper nudity where it would appear in real life.

Either show it or don’t show it. Don’t almost show it but really hide it. If it needs to be there, show it. If it doesn’t need to be there then don’t include it in the story in the first place. i.e. stop being gratuitous, but stop being prudish.

I just watched Series 7 on Netflix On Demand based on this thread. It is a hysterical parody of reality shows that depicts exactly what I was looking for. It pushes the concept way beyond normal boundaries in a realistic format of today’s reality shows. The only parody I have ever seen that is more graphic and disturbing is the short film Sunday’s Game but I don’t think that would ever happen in real life.

Robert Silverburg had a variation of the concept with “The Pain Peddlers” (with full-sensory input) back in 1963, and I wouldn’t bet on that being the earliest iteration of the concept.

Yeah, what’s up with that? All of a sudden everybody’s vomiting on TV. Please stop this.

It’s not. Robert Sheckley’s The Prize of Peril is apparently the earliest incarnation, from 1958. It was made into a German TV movie 9** Das Millionenspiel**) in 1970, well before Stephen King’s story. (It was later turned into a French film, Le Prix du Danger, too, in 1983)

When “The Running Man” first came out, Sheckley was troubled, and supposedly called Harlan Ellison and had a long telephone conversation with him. He was sure King wouldn’t have intentionally ripped him off. They supposedly decided that King probably read Sheckley’s earlier story and was subconsciously influenced by it. King has never said anything about it that I’m aware of.

I can often see where King’s influences probably lie. And Sheckley has got to be one of the most ripped-off SF writers around. Not by King, but by a variety of writers and filmmmakers.

I’m taking the OP to mean, “What would you like to see if censorship rules were lifted?” Not, “What would you like to see if laws against murder and torture were lifted?”

In that spirit, the main thing I would like to see is the ridiculous over-dubbing of naughty words to stop. I mean, really. “Mickey-Fickey”?

Project Runway Australia was awesome not just because they had better challenges and nicer people, but because they were allowed to swear. I think every show had at least one f-bomb and it greatly added to empathizing with the contestants, I thought.

And ‘How It’s Made’ is totally hypnotic to me. Yeah, I like to watch machinery, I’m an engineer, blah blah – but I’ve been known to watch a couple of hours of it at a stretch… good stuff!

I’d cancel my satellite service if any of these glorified snuff films became available.

Fox News does a fairly good job of it already, but we should just give up all pretense, and go forward with Prejudice!

After all, who can argue with Miserable Fat Belgian Bastards!?

I want to see things that almost no one in the world is privy to. With the internet, we can see plenty of fucking, swearing, and death.

For my own curiosity, I’d want to see all of the back and forth debate in high levels of the world’s government. How does a president and his cabinet and the Joint Chiefs decide on how much collateral damage is too much? What was it like in BP’s board room after the spill? What kind of creepy legalese goes on when Scientologists decide who to sue and who to kill?

How about a film crew with total access at an abortion clinic? And then interview friends and family (and the boyfriend) of the woman getting the procedure.

Remake Lost.

Only this time, they play it for real on a booby trapped island. Last one alive ‘wins’.

I KNOW! It fascinates me how many seem so interested in seeing people die, often horrifically! I have no desire to ever see people die. I’m not so much judging as not understanding the desire.

That actually does sound interesting.