if you could do _anything_ for a living

Professional baseball player. Second choice, TV/radio sports play-by-play guy.

Anything that gets me near a baseball game.

Chaim Mattis Keller

“Sherlock Holmes once said that once you have eliminated the
impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be
the answer. I, however, do not like to eliminate the impossible.
The impossible often has a kind of integrity to it that the merely improbable lacks.”
– Douglas Adams’s Dirk Gently, Holistic Detective

How realistic does this have to be? I want to be a starship commander, just like Captain Kirk. If we’re limiting ourselves to jobs that actually exist, I’d have to say either captain of a coast guard vessel or captain of a heritage schooner.

I’d like to design computer games. And if I can choose my own level of talent, well then they would win all of the awards for “Game Which Changed the Lives of the Most People”.

Staff Photographer for the National Geographic. That would rock!

“The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.” - Humphrey Bogart

I wanna be Cecil Adams! (or the equivalent thereof)

Its not junk - its a collection!

Musician. Definitely.

Barring that, stand-up comedy would be my second choice.

Modest? You bet I’m modest! I am the queen of modesty!

I’m a programmer and I like it.
If I could change something, I’d probably choose to program the guts of video games, instead of the annoying little business programs that I have to deal with now.

Laugh hard; it’s a long way to the bank.

Comic book penciller. Or almost as good, inker. The idea of some inker changing my pencils bothers me, but fixing up someone else’s pencils and putting my own touches on them sounds good :wink:

Or I could do both, but it would take me months to complete a single issue because I’m too much of a perfectionist :slight_smile:

Or comic book writer! Ah, the power to screw with people’s beloved characters! I’d take over the writing of the X-Men comics and say, “Everything that’s happened since Chris Clairmont left has been an overly long dream sequence,” a la “Dallas” and Bobby Ewing in the shower. HA! Take THAT!!!

“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it,” Jack Handy

I want to own and run my own marijuana plantation.

I’d like to be a PC games playtester.

Oh, OK, I’d test the console and arcade games too.

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

Gr8Kat, have you ever submitted your artwork? If not, then you should! My personal suggestion would be Mad magazine :D!

A cartoonist. A ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ caliber cartoonist.

In response to the OP, I would like to be an aircraft structural engineer. Hopefully, I’ll be doing that very soon (military aircraft, specifically).

Well, if there were no need to fear disease and violence, I’d be a hooker.
Barring that, I’d like to be a Jane Goodall type–or any of the people you see on NG specials who are out working in the Third World. Well, OK, so I already do that, but the NG photographers aren’t coming to photograph me and the United Way isn’t dumping millions into my projects, so my dream hasn’t completely come true yet :slight_smile:

“I think it would be a great idea” Mohandas Ghandi’s answer when asked what he thought of Western civilization

I can dig that.

I don’t know beans about them but there’s something quite magestic about the old sailing ships.

peas on earth

I wanna be a junkie when I grow up.

A tenured professor at a small, exclusive libral arts school, complete with six month paid sabaticals to the dusty libraries of Europe every five to seven years . . .

If Kellibelli is a fluffer, I’d like to be a porn star!

(If that offends anyone, I’d like to withdraw it)

((If that pun offends anyone - oh never mind…


Or, if I could draw, cartoonist.

Attention C#3!The inside of your musty head is a exercise wheel;
in which two gerbils, Vanity and Credulity by
name, tussle fruitlessly over the walnut that
represents your banal & pointless existance.

I missed out on my ideal job a few years back. I was just one qualification short. I caught it being advertised: computer support dude at Jim Henson’s Creature Shop in Burbank.

If only I’d had some broadcast media experience…