If you run into someone you know while out in public

Did you ever wonder how often you are on the receiving end of this same behavior? How often people notice you in public and then avoid contact with you?

Would you object if instead of avoiding you they said “hello”? Just curious…

Depends who. I’ve made eye contact with yutzes from my high school and kept walking. But most of the time I’ll talk to them and see what they’re up to, if it’s someone I actually like. I’m generally quite social.

I used to try to avoid people I knew, especially if I didn’t know them very well, when I ran into them out somewhere. I’ve gotten over that for the most part because I have worked on my social skills after realizing that people are offended by this kind of behavior. Sometimes, though, if I don’t know someone all that well, I don’t say anything, because I’m the kind of person most people don’t remember, and it is awkward for both parties if you say “hi” and they don’t remember who you are.

If I see someone out of context (like a coworker in a department store) I often don’t recognize them at first. I could be looking right at them as I pass them by, then recognize them a minute or so later. I recently walked past my own cousin, even though I looked him straight in the eye.

I actively loathe people who do this. It’s pretty much a giant ‘fuck you’ to whoever you’re ignoring (if that person knows you well enough merit a nod or a wave). Hell, I’d rather get flipped the bird than ignored.

That would suit me just fine.

Maybe I wasn’t clear. If there is any eye contact at all, I’ll exchange greetings, maybe more depending on who it is. If there is any chance I’ve been ‘made’, I would not be rude.

But if I’m certain I was not spotted first, I will rarely initiate an encounter, and I’ll frequently actively avoid it.

By the way, Neuroman, I saw you at Kohl’s the other day; I ducked into the lingerie. :smiley:

The Standard Male Nod/Grunt works in most of these situations…

I will say hi after eye contact is made, and extend that to “how ya doin’?” with the intent of a brief conversation if I’m not waiting for a bus or something. Part of my question to the OP or whoever is what’s the definition of “know”? There are quite a few people who volunteer at my primary workplace, and many of them I don’t care for. I know their name, and we have mutual interest of which we can speak, but I’d rather not have to make nice with them out in public, or have yet someone else I know see me talking to the person I know but don’t like, and think I might normally associate with that person. But at work, I make nice with everyone, because it’s work, and it’s the nice thing to do.

Case in point: I’m on the bus, settled in and reading something on my phone. Weirdo volunteer gets on the but a few stops later. I become more engrossed in whatever I was doing or feign sleep so I have my eyes closed and never see him as far as he knows. Volunteer goes to back of bus and proceeds to sing “Wheel in the Sky” loud enough for everyone at the front to hear him. For about a mile.

I do not regret for a second pretending not to have seen that guy or making sure no one else had any idea I might “know” him from anywhere!

So, do I talk to people I know while in public? Depends!

Usually wave, at minimum.

My situation is very similar.

It depends on who I’m seeing, how far away they are, and whether or not they would want to be acknowledged.

I’m not going to go striding across a ball field to see an old co-worker whom I’ve had words with. But I’m not going to ignore them if they are 5 feet away.

I’ve had people say hi to me and out of context, not recognized them. And if I forget their name, I usually just introduce my companion to them so they introduce themselves:

"Hi there! Greet to see you! This is my boyfriend Dewey. . . "

“Hi Dewey, I’m Karen. I worked with Melody at xyz.”

It’s worked out pretty well for me most of the time.

Well, if I were having a go at my testicles, I would just nod. No hand shaking.:stuck_out_tongue:

I often do not remember names, nor even how I know them (often just from work). I sometimes wear my IPod, turned off, just so that I do not need to stop/talk.

Yeah, I definitely try not to go down that route any more - it’s led to even worse embarrassment.

I am so aware of this issue that I now try make up mnemonics to remember people’s names when I meet them - but frequently forget the mnemonic.

Just last night I met my friend’s roommate, a very cute Italian girl, for the second time, and wanting to make a good impression I decided to address her by name. “Hiya–” I said, then thought aha, I have a mnemonic for her name. I know it’s something like a venereal disease. Then was thinking desperately Syphilis? Gonorreah? Oh shit. before concluding, after a too-long pause, “–how are you?”

If I’m in a hurry or it’s someone I don’t like, I’ll usually breeze by with a “Hey! How are you?” while walking. If it’s someone I like or know well, I might stop to chit chat. How long it takes also depends on their circumstances. I won’t keep someone I know is distracted or has someplace to go.

Carry on then. :smiley:

If it’s someone I’m close with, I’ll say hi. If it’s someone whose face I recognize but can’t place… evasive maneuvers!

If I know the person well, of course I speak to him/her briefly.
If I am not that close, I only say hi if we make eye contact. If I have a reason to believe a friend or an acquaintance is avoiding eye contact, I just let them be.

My first instinct is to dash away and hide behind a corner or something; I try to avoid being seen, same as you. I thought I was the only one that did this, and I felt really weird about it. Why should I be afraid of seeing someone I know in a different context? Maybe it’s the fact that they’re “catching you off guard”, and if you interact with them, you’ll do something stupid like garble your words, and then they’ll think less of you. Lately, though, I’ve been trying to break out of all my old habits, so now most of the time I will make myself at least give them a nod and a smile, maybe a “Hey, how are you?” I was surprised how easy it was once I stopped psyching myself out about it.

I sneak up on them and call out as place my hand on their shoulder “Police, please come with me”. Scared a few folks doing this.