I'm going through my neighbors mail and I feel sleezy

Will fix when I get home. Thanks.

Obviously not, until just now. Holy Crap!

I feel like a real jerk now.

I left a message with her daughter last night about the garbage. Not that I expected her to jump in her car and drive an hour an a half one way to open the gate, but that next time one of them was here that he or she should put the trash outside the gate and I’ll drag it to the street on Sunday.

Got a message from her daughter today saying that neighbor had passed away on Friday. :frowning:

If you overlooked the crazy part, she was a very good neighbor. She saw everything that happened on our block and wasn’t shy about calling the police or going out to give someone a piece of her mind if she thought there was a problem. If she wasn’t currently mad at you, she was nice, she would wave and say hello.

So, I called the daughter to tell her that I was sorry and not to worry about the mail, neighbor didn’t get her weekly envelope of coupons that we get on Monday, so I was sure that it was changed and that I could hold it until someone had time to come and get it, or that if she wanted, I could just stuff it all in an envelope and send it to her.

I got interrupted while typing this because Nancy, who lives 4 houses down came to ask me what had happened to neighbor because she just heard that neighbor had died alone in her home. While I was reassuring her that neighbor died in a hospital with her kids around her, I got the story from her.

Bob, who lives in the area has a friend with the mostly volunteer fire department. The fire guy told Bob that neighbor had died in her home. Bob went to eat lunch at the senior center, and told a worker at the senior center, who knew Nancy and called Nancy to tell her why she had seen all the red lights in front of neighbor’s and my homes.

I’m sure going to miss living in a small town.

No reason for you to feel like a jerk, you didn’t know. Besides, you were doing your best to be a good and helpful neighbor. (offers hug)

Accepts the hug, feels like a jerk because I’ve made so much fun of her IRL and online. I even did with this thread. When she was fighting for her life…

When the EMT’s finally talked her into getting in the ambulance, neighbor walked out her door and down the steps before getting on the gurney. Then she made them sit her up.

Her daughter seemed to think that all of her neighbors hated her. Everytime I talked to the daughter, she seemed amazed that I was being so kind. The daughter wasn’t was right, but I couldn’t find a tactful way to tell her that us neighbors just blew her off. Honestly, when we heard her screeching, we would listen to be sure that she wasn’t hurt, shrug our shoulders, roll our eyes and then go back to what we were doing.

I’m quite sure her daughter (and other family members) would have been well aware of her issues, and you were helpful to her and her mother when they needed you, so don’t beat yourself up, please.

Sure, you indulged in some venting about a source of ongoing stress, but you still helped her.

From what I’ve seen of your posting here, flatlined, your crazy neighbour earned the treatment she got from the neighbourhood. It speaks volumes about you that you were still able to help her as much as you did and feel bad about not doing more after all the things she did to make herself disliked. You’re overlooking the crazy part now because she has died (and good for you for being able to do that), but you still lived beside a crazy person, and you’re not a saint - I don’t think you should beat yourself up, either.

What she said.

Thank you for expressing what I was thinking better than I did.

You guys are so nice. Thank you.

I had already bought a sympathy card for the kids, so when I was talking to Nancy, I told her that if she wanted to get a card, I’d give it to the kids when they came for the mail.

I thought about it a little longer, then went to the teenager’s house and told them the bad news and asked if they would give me a card or letter for the family. They said they would and would spread the news.

I think it might comfort the family to get them.

I’ll buy a card for Tony to sign tomorrow.

[Junior Little Helper] You see that number at the top right corner, indicating what number the post has in the thread?

Click on it.

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Some day I want a Junior Little Helper badge. Do scouts give those?

I find it perfectly normal to sort other people’s mail (not open it), but then, also to answer coworker’s phones (voicemail is relatively new to Spain and we’re still not used to it). But I also find it perfectly normal that you won’t; privacy definitions are much stricter Over There than in Spain and my American coworkers wouldn’t have sorted my mail any more than they would have riffled through my panties.

Sorry about CNL’s death. Even though you weren’t exactly the bestest of pals, I remember that you managed to turn around somewhat a relationship that had been horrid. With someone so screechy, “is she hurt? No. OK, go back to what I was doing” is much better than “Oh sweet lord fucking the manger’s ox, that old git is at it again!” {{{{{{{{{}}}}}}}

That’s what I would probably think - we’re not close with any of our neighbours. :slight_smile: