I'm Having a Colposcopy in the Morning and Freaking Out

At 10:50 I checked with the receptionist to see what was going on. Turns out something was wrong with the computerized check in process and I slipped under the radar. :dubious:

Other than the long wait this couldn’t have been easier. Such a relief. It barely hurt at all. My natural instinct to want to faint kicked in a few minutes after the procedure was done so I was glad to have a juice box on hand already. I made the doc well aware of what might happen so she brought the juice right after she finished.

From what she could tell everything looks to be very mild, one tick past normal as she put it. Assuming the lab confirms her initial findings we would just take a wait and see approach and most likely everything will resolve itself on its own.

Thank you all for your kind words and support. This truly is an amazing group of folks.

I’m glad it wasn’t that bad for you. Whoever told you that it was worse than childbirth should be slapped. Hopefully you won’t have to have a LEEP next- that’s the one that hurts like hell.

Just kidding! I don’t know how much it hurts- I was put out for mine. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm your experience sounds exactly like mine. Like, exactly from the finding out about the HPV and dysplasia to the “one tick past normal” speech. Now I am a hypochondriac so I am thinking “maybe they tell that to everyone and it’s horrible!”

I still haven’t gotten my biopsy result back yet, but he said don’t worry about it, that he would mail it to me unless he was worried about a result and had to call me. We are also doing a DNA profile of the HPV to see if it is a strain to worry about or not. If it is not I’ll go back to yearly exams, if it is a strain more likely to cause cervical cancer I will go to every three months.

Also - mine was extremely uneventful. My mom even came and stayed because she thought I’d have to go to bed afterwards. I had to tell her sorry for making her drive three hours to come watch me sit on the couch and cook dinner! I just hate I didn’t see this thread before to tell you it was no big deal.

I’ve had a LEEP and Cone Biopsy, both while awake, and it was painless. They freeze your cervix, which doesn’t hurt either. The worst part about both was the gross black discharge afterwards for two weeks. Ugh.

Interesting suggestion on the protein - and yeah, when they’re rummaging around there you can get pretty lightheaded. I’ve never had a colposcopy but they did try to take an endometrial biopsy in the office, once (failed - this was before kids and things were shut up tight as a drum, thankyouverymuch). I tried to sit up when they gave up, and immediately realized that was a Very Bad Idea.

Hopefully all is over for the OP by now!!

:slight_smile: so glad it all went ok! Fingers crossed for a good result.

Yes, I was wondering why a colonoscopy would be indicated for an abnormal PAP smear. Thanks for the clear up!

Woops my bad, me too.

Just chiming in to say I’m glad it went well. I had a colposcopy several years ago. I was freaked out too, but found the procedure itself was no big deal at all - uncomfortable and weird, but not painful. I agree with EmAnJ - the worst part was the couple of weeks afterwards. Talk about icky… good luck and let us know how it goes. It’s probably gonna be kinda gross for a few days, but it’ll get better!

I’m laying down now, trying to take it easy. The cramping i felt this afternoon has subsided but it’s been replaced by a very sharp pain in my cervix. My cervix is pissed! :frowning:

I haven’t seen much of the funky discharge yet. My Dr warned me of that too. She said it might even look like pieces of tissue when it came out. Weird.

I’m closed for business for the next week or so. This really sucks as this month would have been perfect timing wise to try for another baby. I got the all clear for that starting next Tuesday. Doc said that what she saw looked to be so mild that any follow up, if needed, shouldn’t be affected by a potential pregnancy. I’m due to ovulate I think sometime this weekend though so it might be too late. I’m going to just take a what happens, happens approach. If we aren’t successful this month I’ll try again next month. Hopefully by then i would also have the reassurance that all went well with my results.

Also had a colposcopy with minimal annoyance/pain/discharge. The LEEP was more annoying… I was well numbed and didn’t feel much other than a poking/prodding sensation, but what was really weird was…

the burning smell from the cautery tool- I had that version rather than the freezing, though I don’t remember why. Nothing like laying there thinking “That burning smell is MY PRIVATE PARTS!!!”

Good for you for following up- better safe than sorry!

Woah yes on your spoiler! Mine was the same - very creepy.

and the smoke!

I’m so glad I didn’t have any burning bits today. I’d have been out cold for sure!

I don’t know what my doc did but it was painless with no bleeding or cramping, and I was having sex within three days. I’d like to take a moment to publicly commend his special vagina voodoo. I think I’ll write him a thank you letter.

that’s awesome! Is it possible that he only looked then and didn’t need to do a biopsy? The colposcopy itself can be just looking through a microscope (with some related prep, of course). The biopsy didn’t hurt me much at all, thankfully. I was way more freaked out by the instrument used to actually take the sample than i was hurt by it. I’m pretty sure the sampling is also what caused the cramping as i don’t usually get them following a typical pap. Taking a sample is also what closed up shop for a week so i could heal. Apparently, from what I’ve read, the cervix will regenerate itself to fill in the hole. So cool!

Yeah, it sounds like they used the grater thing plus took pinch samples from different areas of the cervix, which is crampy for sure.

I saw how big the chunk they took out for the cone biopsy was (it’s deeper then a LEEP) and was impressed when, six months later, it had regenerated and completely grown back (mine is a place where they have cameras where you can see your cervix and stuff during)!

Oh, I remember the biopsy! The metal alligator coming out with a chunk of me is not an image I’ll soon forget. :slight_smile: I do think he didn’t have to take a very large sample, though, because my dysplasia was self-correcting by the time I went in for the biopsy. There was a fair amt of bleeding (but you know just a teaspoon of blood looks like a massacre when it’s leaking out of you and onto a white sheet…).

Well, that’s about enough information about my girl plumbing.

May the cramps go away quickly!! And good luck on your results!