I'm unemployed! I need cheap and time intensive hobbies!

Yes, but then they’re considered dudettes.

No, they’re studs who can keep you warm all winter. The day a man gives me something handmade is the day…well, I’m married. But my husband is a carpenter so I’m impressed anyway. And trust me, a guy giving a woman something he made by hand, thinking of her during every stitch? SOOO romantic and manly!

Take cooking to the next level. Have you ever made your own lasagna from complete scratch? Meaning making your own noodles, ricotta, everything? I have. Kills a lot of time. You may also seek out the best dirt-cheap restaurants in your area. I spent months trying to find the best burrito in town- traveling far and wide.

Have a digital camera? Photography can be a good way to motivate yourself to get out of the house. Go to different parts of your town just to take pictures. Seek out special events- parades, ethnic festivals, etc. Take public transit to these things to draw out the process and provide new adventures.

Libraries are a good place to hang out. You can easily spend all day there, and it gets you out of the house. Many libraries have great language learning resources. Mine had tons of DVDs and audio tape courses. It could be a good first step towards learning another language. Libraries may also have interesting classes.

If you do like crafty stuff, there are many companies (curtain companies, etc.) who will send you free swatches of fabric. I racked up a whole garbage bag full. Free craft supplies rock. All it takes is a needle and thread and maybe some thrift store additions and you are set. It can also be pretty fun to refinish furniture from thrift store. A bottle of mod=podge only costs a few bucks and can provide hours of fun.

Well, in our experience, the knit condoms don’t really go over very well.

Don’t go over what?