"In Living Color" creator sues Disney over "Hannah Montana"

I have watched all of these shows and it sounds like someone might have gotten ripped off here…I did not know that very interesting story there.

Having just spent much time with my 11 and 5 year old nieces, I can confidently state that all shows on the Disney channel will cause your brain to ooze right out of your ears. I’ve never seen so much dreck in one place. Although I did like the brainless charm of London Tilton (or whatever) on The Suite Life of Zac and Cody, surely a show that could otherwise cause uncontrollable bleeding from the eyes.

Hannah Montana is pretty horrific, but yeah, that must be an idea that’s been around for eons.

ETA: Perhaps I should finish reading the thread before posting of the evils of Zac and Cody, thus saving my brain from unnecessary agony.

Tipton. She’s got a whole hotel chain named after her, so her name isn’t that hard to remember…unless you’re her. Wait, she’s got a hotel named after her? Yay her!

Wow! How do they come up with these wonderful ideas? Genius!


I apologize for the drive-by, but I just had to say that Zoggie is apparently totally awesome! Those really were some great shows, and I got a kick when I saw you mention them.

…hmm, we should get a smilie throwing the horns…

You always think kids’ shows were better in the past, mainly because back then you were a kid!

Hence the sequel, “You’re a Junkie, Ronnie [Lastname]!” where, among other adevntures, he dies in his bed.

Someone refresh my memory. Was it known at the local high school that Keith and Laurie Patridge were part of the critically accliamed and famous group the Patridge Family? :wink: I seem to remember they went to school and had friends and all that. What I don’t recall was anybody being impressed with their status as famous singers.

Also: I hate everything on Disney except the Little Einsteins.

No, expound! Dan Savage has a hilarious rant about the evils of Zac and Cody that ran on This American Life. It’s truly an evil show.

Anyway, I miss old Nick too. I bought DVDs of Pete and Pete so I can show them to my kids someday. :slight_smile:

That’s so like her it was positively frightening! Yay you!

Much as I hate to admit it, I recall an episode where Keith’s female classmates were stealing things from him, including a pickle out of which he had taken a bite, and one even brazenly snipped a lock of his hair. So naturally Danny went into business selling authentic Keith Partridge memerobilia.

Nah. I saw Pete & Pete as an adult, and it was much better then most of the shows on when I was a kid. Nick right after they stopped showing the European shows (quite good) had a golden age.

I’m a bit biased about Pete & Pete though.

Did the character wear a rainbow wig?

Hehe, thanks.

I thought it was just me, as a kid, but I’ve gone back and watched a bit of my older shows. They still hold up. Admittedly, some of them are bad or so bad they’re good (certain Are You Afraid of the Dark episodes), but a lot of them are very clever, even by the standards of adult shows. (Granted, that’s not all that hard.) They were quirky and off-beat and so random, in a way that these current shows seem to lack.

Mystery Men (1999)

Yay me! Wait, what were we talking about again? Oh, right, me! Yay me!

Not to mention “You Can’t Do That on Television.” Moose lives!

We should have a Hate on the Disney Channel thread where we can vent out our anger. I think I’ll start one.