In re: Doing homework for newbies

The problem with this isn’t just that it’s homework, it is an off-board project. We do allow these under some circumstances, but you need to ask permission first. None was asked in this case.

We used to take a tougher stance against homework questions, but these days we do allow them, but we won’t just give answers. Post a question, post what you’ve done so far, post where you are stuck, and we’ll help you sort it out and get you pointed in the right direction.

Post a question and just ask for an answer, basically expecting us to do all of the work for you, and that will get shut down very quickly.

This is specifically detailed in the registration agreement:

It’s probably more than a little unwise to click on some random link by someone who has no posting history here, just as it is unwise to ask for help from random strangers on the internet since you never know what sort of a-hole might end up answering your questions.