In which I delurk

I hate it when the walls bleed. Next thing you know, some blonde chick is reaching outta the TV to steal my stash.

As long as the rotation completes all 360 degrees, all is well. Anything less than that would be unsettling, and anything more redundant.

I was thinking it would make a cool name for a band, but feel free to use it if you decide to run for office.

Okay, fine – clearly the next order of business is to tell you to cough up the $15 and become a member.

One of us. One of us. One of us…

Aw, shucks. :o

Odds of me becoming a paying member are extremely high. I like this place, which appears to have room for an aging hippie and all his quirkiness. Still got just a few hours short of the full 30 day trial remaining though, and in that time, the fee may be reduced, an asteroid or other disaster may kill us all, or Cecil may bring me in as his mystery partner in a tag team punball death match against the great Spider Robinson and his mystery partner. Waiting is.

Damn, there’s nothing but aging hippies around here.

Well, nothing other than the variously acronymically bedecked sexualities, nerds of every possible flavor, punk kids, geeks, and geezers, Wiccans and Christians, and at least one member of just about any profession you can think of.

Et al.

twicks - stop padding your amount of posts per day! How in the fuck am I ever gonna catch up?

Welcome to the newbie. Now go get me some pizza, willya?

Hot. Pepperoni. Good.

Yes, from what I’ve seen, the Dope is fully IDIC compliant. This is comforting for those of us who’ve eaten with Kings and Queens, but have also slept in the alley and dined on pork and beans.

Sorry, John. I can’t do that.

As for pizza, fetch it yourself…and you can only pick two from hot, pepperoni, and good. That’s the rule.

BAH! I NEED an edit feature, badly. If I had one, I’d delete the “fetch it yourself” bit, which is covered with more comdic flair in the line above. Why is there no edit feature readily apparent here?

Oak, you are managing to hit just about every one of my shibboleths. Any more and I might have to ask you to marry me, which would really upset my wife, and probably you as well. Unless you manifest some deal-breaking abberation, like rooting for the Yankees or putting beans in your chili, I’ll pay your membership dues!

How does Jake like his coffee from the Font?

I’ll take “free” and “pizza” for my two adjectives. Yes, I know they weren’t listed.

Chop chop!

anyone got the squid and such? where’s the welcomming party??!?!

Afraid I’d have to decline the marriage proposal, being both male and straight. That and I am guilty of Beans in Chilli in the First Degree. I don’t think it’s a death penalty offense outside of Texas, but one can never be too sure…

What do you mean, no pics? You admit you’ve had a year. I’m not sure you are up to SDMB standards. :wink:

Welcome anyway, but you are way behind and are going to have to study like hell. :slight_smile:

Yes, I am way behind, but I’m looking to make a deal. I used to wager a fiddle of gold against your soul, but that one went sour on me. Damn Granny, her non-biting dog, the chicken, the breadpan, and all that dough.

But her dogs don’t bite (no child no).

And yea verily did I damn Granny and her non-biting dog. Dogs are inherently Good, and thus non-cooperative in soul-stealing ventures.

I must be some flavour of nerd, cause I ain’t none of them other things. And I think Picard could take Kirk in all the ways that really matter. Um, that didn’t come out quite the way I intended…I think I’ve been reading too much Brokeback Mountain fanfic.

Indeed. Your name is still on my “to do” list. It won’t be fiddles at sunset next time, mon frere.

Thereby proving you’re several flavours of nerd, and not just a faceless “et-al”-ian.

Welcome, Oakminster. Stick around.

I like you. You’re funny. :smiley: