In which I publicly embarrass my daughter

Put two copies in you will and have your attorney give it them upon your death.

Colour me confused…I had no idea Mama Tiger was whiterabbit’s mother.

And I remember when Mama Tiger became Mama Tiger, because of the tattoo thread and everything!

How dim am I? :smack:
(It’s quite a sweet contract BTW. Not embarassing at all.)

I still hate doing the dishes…

So whiterabbit , did you guys ever sign a copy? How did the time away from parents go?

Danged if I remember how it went, but I’m pretty sure we didn’t do the dishes every two days and my brother didn’t use deodorant…

Well, whiterabbit, at least your mom didn’t (and doesn’t) slap your butt in the public (er, at least, I hope she didn’t)! My mother does this everywhere, even in the mall and in restaurants, and it drives me nuts!

Trust me, if I tried that, I’d be pulling back a bleeding stump. :smiley:

Damn right you would!