Inappropriate ice-cream truck songs....

“Rock You Like a Hurricane” by the Scorps

Hot for Teacher - Van Halen

I Love You (period) - Dan Baird

Stray Cat Blues, by the 'Stones?

“Ice Cream Man”, by Van Halen, natch.

Or “Dead Babies” by Alice Cooper.

Maybe “Little Girls” by Oingo Boingo.

I’d be happy if the truck that spends *every * evening at the nearby Little League field could play anything at all but that Og-damned “Turkey in the Straw”. There’s only so much a man can take.

“Mother” by Danzig

“So What” by Metallica

“Revolution #9” by the Beatles

“Tommy the Cat” by Primus

Now that I think about it, Revolution #9 is probably the one I’d go with.

The Stripper.

From my friend:

“MacArthur Park”

Don’t Stand So Close to Me by The Police.



That or the “Badger-badger-badger-badger” song. You could drive the whole neighborhood into a violent frenzy with either one.

Then of course, if I wanted to be really evil, break out the “big guns” as it were…

i’d broadcast Vogon Poetry…


Damn! Too slow with my answer…

When I First Came to Town - Nick Cave

Or get someone to put “The Emperor of Ice Cream” to music.

Ice creams are never seen in Italian restaurants drinking capuccino with Oriental women. Yeahhh.

Cold Ethel – Alice Cooper

I got the Rolly on my arm and I’m pouring Chandon
And I roll the best weed ‘cause I got it goin’ on.
I’m a nice dude, with some nice dreams.
See these ice cubes, see these ice creams?

Talking Heads’ Psycho Killer.

Oh my God. I’m stealing an ice-cream truck now just to do this (and veer down the roads cackling manically).

And when I get arrested, it’ll be the fault of all of you. :smiley:

“Cocaine”-Eric Clapton
“Hotel California”-the Eagles
“Sexual Healing”-Marvin Gaye
“Let’s Get It On”-Marvin Gaye

“Don’t Fear the Reaper”
“Anarchy in the UK”
“Eve of Destruction”