Inconceivable! The Princess Bride movie turns 20

[nitpicker’s hat on]I think you mean Inigo Montoya (the original, not the Doper) played by Mandy Patakin. Fezzig (yes, with a G) was played by André the Giant [np hat off]

As all nitpicks have to be nitpicked. His last name is Patinkin

i knew I had the spelling wrong - I was just too lazt to look it up

IMDB, Wikipedia, and the previously linked ABC page disagree.

I sit corrected.

Fred Savage doesn’t look too bad!
I’d rather not know what the cast is up to–I just like the movie.
“he’s only mostly dead!”



You know, nothing is forcing your hand to that submit button. Looking over your post before you hit it might help you out.

Bite me :smiley: