Internet scam... Who do I contact?

Yes. Yes.

Well, I’ve stopped receiving messages from my would be “free car for me to drive for a month” scammer.

I guess the information I gave to set up my account on google wallet didn’t pass the smell test when someone actually read the name and address, not to mention the phone number.

These things must be running on autopilot until the persons personal information arrives, and then they have someone read the name and address to set up the google wallet account.

I can’t believe J.E. Hoover didn’t slip through… I didn’t give the address as the FBI building, but rather the actual street address in Washington DC. Even gave them the correct phone number.

Oh well. Maybe I should have given them a living persons name.

I have not yet turned this into the authorities yet, as I’m still mulling over the cost benefit. There is the time involved, of course, but there is also the problem of not knowing if my personal info would remain personal. That kind of bothers me, as I feel like my information should not be given to the people I’m accusing of doing this. I don’t know who they are or what they represent, and it gives me pause to just hand over my personal info. I believe the site stated that each state has their own laws on privacy, so I’ll have to chase down my states current laws.

I don’t really understand why they would need my real name and address when I’m only trying to do a “good deed”. I look at it as the same as turning in someone’s lost coat at a lost and found. Or, if I need to equate this to a crime, perhaps calling a phone number to report erratic driving. I don’t want any reward money… I’m just looking to help stop a public menace.

The authorities will have all the information I have. I wasn’t specifically targeted, as the ad was on a couple of web sites I visit, and I responded, so I was contacted only after I made an inquiry about the car. So IMO, my name, address and contact info is irrelevant after I transfer everything to them.

And what those other posts were trying to tell you is that it isn’t official. Law enforcement may get called at a certain point if that’s at all possible, but they don’t really work with them.

In other words, it’s nonsense in the sense that it’s not what you are looking for.

reported new post as scammy

The ‘v’ stands for voodoo doesn’t it?
