Is "bartering" forbidden in Monopoly?

I’m not a monopoly guru and don’t have the game at home any more but by your logic I could land on your property, not have enough cash to pay you, so I sell all of my property to my buddy for $1 as a big fuck you to you and give him the property and give you a dollar. Or I could land on your Boardwalk with hotels on it , not have enough money for the rent so I sell my Baltic Avenue to my buddy (protector) for $2K as a big fuck you too. It’s collusion (sp?). It’s against the rules, though I don’t have them in front of me.

Right, hence the tournament rule that I quoted.

Not legal, according to the tournament rules quoted by Terminus Est above: “If a debt is owed to another player, properties may be sold to a third player only if sufficient money is raised to cover the debt.”

Nope-that’s perfectly legal. If you can sell your property to a third party for enough to cover the debt, you’re golden. Annoying, if the other players are all colluding against you for some reason, but very few games are much fun when they end up three- or four-on-one.

Shit like this is why I don’t play these games with four-year-olds anymore. :rolleyes: