Is Bofors 40mm AA gun a "suicide" weapon?

What do some of the best designed IADS look like, now or in the near future?

That’s a really complex question. It really comes down to the threat you think you’ll be protecting against. I’ll give you a rough example using Russian gear since that’s the most prolific. You want a whole lot of intersecting circles, so a battery or two of S-400 (SA-21) for stand off and long distance as well as forcing your enemy tankers and supports to stand off.
Interleave them with medium range double digit SAMs like SA-11 or 17 to protect your Long distance SAM and radars. Mix in highly mobile SA-6, SA-8 or 17s with maybe Shilkas for protection from Attack helos or other attack aircraft and as Battalion assets. The most important thing is being able to co-ordinate that defence because isolated, any system is potentially vulnerable. Throw in MANPADs and things like the Bofors that are not radar reliant to increase your flexibility.

ah sort of like the whole "13 knife wounds to the back, worse case of suicide I ever saw…’ :stuck_out_tongue:

It is if you fall asleep in a meeting with Kim Jong Un.