Is Cecil Adams a real person, or a title for a group of people?

Also a descendant of Lamont Cranston, but the two of them never met as far as I can tell.

My first clue was his insistence(until 2 years ago) on communicating only via vacuum tubes and shortwave radio.

And bow towards Chicago several times a day.

Type “Ed Zotti” and “Cecil Adams” into Google Images, and draw your own conclusion.

Read the cites for the pictures of Ed that show up when you Google “Cecil Adams” and you will find that they describe Ed as Cecil’s editor.

And if you type “drfidelius” into Google Images the first hit is on someone who is completely unknown to me.

Google Images search does not meet the Straight Dope’s reliability requirements.

Of course Cecil is real. He’s my son’s godfather, for goodness sakes!

Now, strictly speaking he wasn’t present at the ceremony. And he didn’t respond to my emails about being a godfather, but I figured he was just busy – after all, there’s no reason to refuse such a reasonable request. Now, you might say, “hey fluiddruid, you don’t have a son. Or any children for that matter.” And, well, there is that.

You know that Dos Equus guy, the one with all the hot women in the beer commercials. You want to know who that’s suppose to be?

Cecil shook my hand one day. I noted it in my resume and was immediately hired.

I’ll believe it when I see the long-form birth certificate.

Is he related to Nick Adams?

Then again, my sister’s late husband was an Adams and he was a very smart man. But he’s dead.

He’s the love child of Cecil B. DeMille and Maud Adams. Or Maude Adams. The records are sketchy.

His citizenship isn’t being questioned, only his existance.

Define real.

His friend Beanie knows.

Yes, Virginia.
Cecil is real.

I met him once as we passed on the stairs. Yes, he is real, or so Ed tells me. Or was that Carlos?

Maybe it was in a peyote field; I forget. What was the question?

“I may not always be Cecil Adams, but when I am…”

Cecil is not now nor has he ever been a real person. For some reason, the mods here insist on ridiculous levels of kayfabe about it. Ed Zotti writes as Cecil when he does the column.

Jeez. What a buzz-kill.