Is Fox News really all that bad?

Oh, so you want to bury the unemployed, and send checks to the dead?

And economic intercourse, what’s that even supposed to mean? Fuck the economy?


“Intercourse” is a general term the means any kind of activity that involves more than one individual (usually, but not always, human). We are accustomed to using the elliptical form which is the shortened version of “sexual intercourse”.

Or, as they say in Soviet America, “You don’t fuck economy …

I heard he told the crowd he was going to Intercourse, PA next. And everyone laughed at the senile old man.

Yes, yes, I was just making light of the term. I used to tell people that I wanted to have interlocutor intercourse with them. Most didn’t take it all that well.

That’s because they knew he’d take a wrong turn after Mountville and end up in Blue Ball.

Maybe he should avoid French Lick in any trip to Indiana.

Sean Hannity exposes the awful truth about Bernie Sanders:

It’s just the break that the Biden campaign has been waiting for!

In fairness to Faux News, a Twitter post is not a Fox action.

Trump agrees that Fox News is bad!

It is pertaining to a thing on his own website which includes the astute observation
Sanders confused millions of users on social media this week; bizarrely asserting that the United States can only “avoid another Great Depression” if US workers “continue to receive a paycheck.”

Clearly Bernie is demented to think, of all things, that we would need people to sustain a consumer-based economy.

While this is hoseted by “iHeartMedia”, Hannity does get a lot of his traction and savwahrfair from being highly visible on Fox.

Best reply: “Better nip this kind of thinking in the bud. Before you know it, people will be saying really crazy stuff, like 'love your neighbor.”

The Mueller report was missing something…oh yeah! a dt deposition. It can’t clear anyone of anything

I’d never heard of Harris Faulkner until a moment ago when I watched a clip of her on FOX & friends. Ms. Faulkner interviewed Potus to ask why he tweeted “Looting … shooting”, reports on that interview, and then cautiously admits, very gently, that Trump never answered the question.

Faulkner is obviously a token black at Fox. Is she also a token rational thinker?

Especially amusing is when the clip shows all four “friends” — the other three friends have peculiarly glum expressions and never even try to fake a smile: I wonder why? Are they thinking “Ooops, I’m afraid some of our viewers are almost smart enough to realize that Faulkner is mocking Dear Potus, but she’s subtle enough that we can’t start screaming at her.”

Or are they all just thinking “What will my kids and grand-kids think of me when they find out I’m a shill at Fox? I’ve told them I work in a whore-house.”


That made me laugh right out loud. In [del]pubic[/del] public.

Fox photoshopped a masked gunman into a scene of the Seattle CHAZ:

Fox unethical??! Unpossible!

Maybe they’ll run a correction, but I have no desire to view their site.

I love how you can see the people walking by as reflections in a smashed-out window.

I’m glad you laughed, but I cannot claim originality. I even used the line 2 years ago at SDMB, though that time with attribution. (I saw it during the Presidency of a certain R.M. Nixon.)

Fox publishes digitally altered photos. Gets called out, retracts.

The only surprising thing about that is the last word.

Fox News fell for a Monty Python joke on Reddit