Is it likely intelligent life will be violent?

Heh. I recall thinking that the first time I saw the description of some bad sci-fi movie; Battlefield Earth I think, that the aliens had come to Earth to loot it’s natural resources.

< Aliens land, step out of their ship >

Alien : “Pathetic humans ! We have come to your world to steal it’s resources for ourselves !”

Voice from back of crowd : “Too late !”

They exist. Plants come to mind. As for animals, there are a few small animals that have plants living symbiotically inside them and use them to fuel themselves. A watergoing creature called green hydra, and a microscopic worm that lacks a mouth since it doesn’t eat; it can just absorb the little it needs through the skin.

Sounds like the Gamera movie, “Advent of Legion”.

In the movie Aliens, Burke was trying to smuggle out a chest burster inside a survivor in order to weaponize it, presumably for the scenario you laid out.

Your ideas are interesting! :cool:

However I still have a couple of quibbles. :slight_smile:

Assuming a civilisation in Alpha Centauri could travel at 33,000,000 miles per hour, they still have to accelerate to that speed, then slow when they arrive. The entire journey is not going to be at that speed.

Also you have to allow for technological advances. The travelling civilisation presumably has difficulty communicating with home planet, while the Earth can continue to research.

Your (creepy!) alien eggs would have to be able to process Earth food and cope with Earth bugs. To be fair, I believe a Mr. Jules Verne posted this idea first…

I was under the impression a large brain requires protein, hence evolutionary developed intelligence has a predilection towards carnivores.

I’ve always suspected that the alien ship discovered in Alien wasn’t opperated by the species that jumps out of chests. The mummified corpse of the ‘pilot’ looks like an elephant and has a burst open chest. I think the ship was carrying biological weapons (eggs) and the pilot got infected and suffered for it before they crashed. THAT was the species we needed to watch out for, space travelling aliens willing to use those things.

What you say makes sense, but it’s difficult to say based on just the pilot - which was some kind of cyborg thing - although it looked like a humanoid lifeform in a seat, it was fused/connected to the seat and equipment.

The Aliens don’t seem to be that intelligent, they’re sharp as far as killing goes, but they lack serious problem solving skills…they also don’t seem to have a language. How could they build a ship? Why wouldn’t they have weapons? An incredibly successful species like that would damage their own ecosystem with their gestation habits and ravenous hunting, how could that be sustained?

I wasn’t including plants because they make use of other organisms (worms, bees, and undoubtedly various microbes). My hypothetical was a species that makes no use of other organisms to get by.

You must admit sentience has a nack for massive organized mayhem.

It has a knack for organisation.

All life seems to have a knack for massive mayhem. I was attacked by my cock today.

That sounds fowl.

I certainly hope so


Well, yeah, I did mean cock in the fowl, not foul sense.

Some Elephants will pass the rouge test, one of the most important tests in determining self-awareness.

Bad news for me! I always put on too much.

Im undecided myself but SOMEBODY has to post the traditional quote for this sort of discussion.
My quoting is inexact,but the gist is correct.

Orson Welles “Switzerland had so many hundered years of peace and they invented the cuckoo clock.
Italy had so many hundred years of war,intrigue and assassination and produced Michelangelo,Leonardo Da Vicince,Galileo and the Rennaisance.”

No doubt someone whos not quite so knackered as me will post the actual quote but if not ,my apologies.

“In Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder, bloodshed — they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.”

??? Are you debating me with my own point?

Nope, just clairfying it for us.