Is military action against Iran an inevitability?

I am well aware that the Iranian rulers are probably desperately frightened of the U.S. I would even agree with Der Trihs that that fear is probably the primary reason that they want to develop nuclear weapons–particularly since they have demonstrated no desire to extend their borders or conquer any of their neighbors. They have never displayed the Hussein need to conquer and expand.

However, the original point was whether a military action against Iran was inevitable and whether it was going to occur in the near future. The point to which I responded was a claim that Iran needed to be fearful in the same way that Iraq should have been fearful.
What I have noted is that the conditions are not the same, (or even very similar), and while I would not claim that there cannot be an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, a claim that we are on the brink of launching such an attack or, particluarly, going to war is overblown and Der Trihs’s analysis is seriously flawed. (An analysis that probably comes from reading The Guardian uncritically while holding an unbalanced contempt for the U.S.)

Nonsense, yourself.

Our actions against Iran fall into different categories in different eras, for different reasons, none of them based on a general “let’s hate Iran” motif. In addition, there are no organized cheerleaders in the U.S. for war of conquest against Iran as there was for years prior to our assault on Iraq.

When we overthrew their republic and installed the Shah, it was part of our entry into the Great Game between Britain and Russia, re-inforced by our current, (at that time), anachronistic phobia about “world wide Communism.”
While the Shah ruled, we were actually friendly to Iran, (if, unfortunately, more friendly to the Shah than his citizens). Most of the weapons that Iran used to fight off Iraq had been supplied by the U.S.
Once Khomeini took power after the Shah fled, we were embarrassed by the taking of the embassy and put Iran on our enemies list. Since then, the Islamic ruling Guardian Council and Assembly of Experts has promoted and sponsored Hezbollah and Hamas in fostering trouble throughout the middle east. However, we have tended to treat those threats in the same way that we treat similar groups around the world, without attacking sponsoring nations. We limit our actual “aggression” to attempts to restrict trade or isolate them politically, not with invasions.
If we were going to go after anyone, it would seem that North Korea, with its immediate threat to actual allies South Korea and Japan, would be a better target, yet there was no serious threat recorded against Korea, even when it was testing its own bombs and testing missiles across Japanese territory. Iran will more likely co-opt Iraq through its Shi’a allies in Iraq while Afghanistan will never be a close ally of ours, in any case. Attacking Iran without an overt provocation from Iran is not likely in the near future.

There is no similar organized group in the U.S. sponsoring an attack on Iran in the way that the Neo-Cons promoted an attack on Iraq and those individuals who want to attack Iran are not connected to any of the Republican leadership or presidential aspirants.

Installing the Shah was an act of aggression against Iran, period. We were not “friendly” with them at all; we were their enemies and victimizers. Just because we did it using a puppet doesn’t make it any less of an act of aggression.

Nonsense; we used Saddam Hussein to stage a proxy invasion, killing huge numbers of Iranians. And we support groups against Iran that even our own State Department calls “terrorists”. And Bush effectively threatened to use nuclear weapons on them with his “refusal to take nuclear strikes off the table.” So that’s terrorism, attempted conquest, and a threat of genocide.

Because they could ruin South Korea if they wanted to, and have nothing worth stealing.

Oh Christ, what a crock. It is SOP for the US never to take anything off the table when discussing actions that might be possible about our supposed enemies. There is nothing unique about Iran in this situation.

A truly classic example of American exceptionalism. Somehow I doubt you’d shrug and say it was no big deal if we had some dispute with some country like Russia or China, and they made a point of saying that a nuclear attack on us was a possibility. But Iranians aren’t American and thus aren’t really human, and shouldn’t take offense at being threatened with genocide.

You just underline why they are right to be afraid, and why it’s in their national self interest to get nukes.

Also we eat babies.

Aren’t you Israeli?

And no, Americans don’t eat babies. They do however kill them. Famously, we even handcuffed one in Iraq before shooting it; those 5 month old babies can be dangerous.

I’m an American.
You can tell because I have bits of handcuffed babyflesh dangling from my fangs.

It seems to me everybody has forgotten how little dissent there was from the belief Hussein was working on atomic weapons and other WMD. It wasn’t just Bush and the neo cons. How much blame Bush deserves for bad intelligence is questionable. But he can hardly be blamed for France, Germany, and Israel’s miscalculation. I was around then and nobody questions the existence of WMD before the war. The debate was limited to what to do about it. Husssein was bluffing and we still invaded.

If Iran really wants to be safe from America, what they need to do is stop all work on the atomic bomb, throw open all their facilities to the IAEA inspectors, and quit supporting terrorism around the world. If they did that, nobody could ever muster the support needed to attack them.

That’s an absolutely moronic assertion.

Saddam Hussein invaded for his own reasons, not because the US wanted to.

Iran and Iraq had been enemies long before the Islamic Revolution.

Saddam and the Shah supported various separatist and insurgent groups in each others respective countries when the Ayatollah was cooling his heels in Europe.

In fact, the invasion was provoked because an Iranian backed group tried to kill Tariq Aziz, Saddam’s Prime Minister.

I also find it amusing that Der Trihs who regularly makes various bigoted, ignorant, paranoid comments repeatedly insist the Iranian government isn’t insane and wouldn’t act irrationally.

Apparently, he’s unaware of what happens to virgins in Iranian prisons.

Er… no, not all Jews are Israelis.

Why should they?

Threats at invasion are completely tootheless.

Besides if Israel was stupid enough to bomb them that would simply make life much more difficult for the Jews living in Iran and strengthen the power of the hardliners.

If they’re dead anyway, there’s no sense letting them go to waste.

All I know is that if England decides to attack, the US will support England to the hilt. It’s their turn to drag us unto a pointless war. Also, with the departure of troops from Iraq, all the sudden we’ll have a surplus.

Perhaps they’ll depart Iraq via Iran.

Nonsense; I was also around then and there was plenty of doubt. And even those who thought he might have some, thought it wouldn’t amount to anything of importance. Including us, given how we completely bypassed all the armories and supposed WMD sites; we were lying, we weren’t just mistaken.

Hussein tried that; the result is he’s dead and Iraq is in ruins.

The hell he did.

Clearly he was a peace loving man who was vastly misunderstood by the world and his neighbors…well, except the Iranians, but then we put him up to that. He reluctantly attacked Iran at our behest. And he tried everything humanly possibly to appease us after we forced him to attack Kuwait, but it was all to no avail. It’s a sad story for such a great man of peace.

sigh I’m glad you are around to see these things so clearly when no one else can grasp them…


Utter nonsense. You have started moving away from standard “I-Hate-America-it-can-do-no-right” logic into the sort of silly nonsense one associates with Conspiracy Theorists. (I look forward to your exposé that we were in Vietnam in order to take control of their off-shore oil reserves.)

Actually, we supported an Iranian terrorist group that was working against Hussein. It falls more into the mode of supporting the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” doctrine than any genuine attempts at serious disruption. A bad thing, to be sure, but hardly a serious effort to overthrow the Iraninan government.

As noted, the “nuclear option” is (nominally) “on the table” with everyone with whom we have any disagreement. It is not a serious threat except against actual nuclear powers.

It would seem that you were among the many who never bothered to note how much dissent there actually was.

You might want to go back and read the actual history of the period, (since you seem to have only gotten your information from Fox News). France and Germany both held out awaiting genuine information. The UN inspectors could find no evidence. The eventual “coalition” was an odd collection of minor players from around the world who were either bribed or coerced into sending small token forces to join the invasion to give Bush cover that there was lots of support around the world. Most of the “bad intelligence” was actually created by selective reports generated by the advertising flacks of the Office of Special Plans that Bush and Rumsfeld installed in the DoD in order to circumvent the actual intelligence agencies. If Bush got “bad intelligence,” it was because he needed bad intelligence to rationalize his decision to go to war regardless of the facts.

Well everyboedy is entittled to their own facts I guess.

Facts, like spelling, can be checked and examined. If necessary, I can point to citations that demonstrate that most of the world did not believe, in the period between October 2002 and March 2003, that Iraq had any significant supplies of WMD. I can provide evidence that the “coalition” was bribed and coerced. I can point to links on this message board that demonstrate that even among U.S. citizens, there was hardly unanimity of opinion believing the Bush Administration lies. I have already provided evidence that the “intelligence” was cooked.

I don’t want to go through the effort, but I can do it. Can you provide any credible evidence that France and Germany accepted the claims of the Bush Administration? (Or have you already forgotten “Freedom Fries” in the Capitol dining room?)

That was really stupid, to rename French fries, but how is it related?