Is my county fair goldfish going to live long?

What’s wrong with snails? They keep the tank clean by eating algae. Our tank had to have the walls scrubbed every week or else it turned into green wallpaper. One snail added to the tank and the glass is polished clean continously.

How do you win a goldfish? Is it a prize you can choose? Teddy bear, AM radio, goldfish?

When I won mine it was in a game where they had a bunch of fishbowls set up, and if you tossed a Ping-Pong ball into the bowl from however far away, you won a fish!

I was five, so it was a lot more exciting, then.

Goldfish can live decades. Supposedly, a family in china had one for more then 200 years. If treated correctly.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Throw out bowls. Don’t think of keeping a goldfish in a 5 gallon tank, all it’s good for is a betta (fighting) fish or shrimp. (It really annoys me that stores can sell 5 gallon tanks as goldfish tanks! it’s like keeping a sheepdog in a playpen for all it’s life)
Gold fish need at least 20 gallons, each. They need a filter and regular water changes. when it comes down to it, goldfish are carp and carp are dirty fish!

A small tank does stunt a fishes growth, but it’s not right or okay. They release a hormone that stops them from growing and if left long enough, it is toxic and deadly.

Gold fish also need treated water. No, you can not let the water sit out overnight. these days they use certain chemicals in the water that do not evaporate.
Fish and hermit crabs are so mistreated it’s not funny :frowning: