Is nicotine by itself bad?

Ed McBain, the late Grand Old Master of the modern detective novel, was known for thoroughly researching his books.

Poison wll tell you more about nicotine than you would ever want to know.

I remember we did a series of experiments using a live frog heart in my anatomy & physiology class - it was attached to a device that measured its contractions and we painted it with various substances at various dilutions, to see their effects.

At the end of the scheduled series of experiments, we tried other substances while the heart was still alive - then, we tried nicotine. We started it at what we thought was a pretty weak dilution - I think it was 1:100.

The heart gave one last great shudder, and died.

Wet snuff, or snus, is steam-cured (in contrast to all other chewing tobacco which is fire-cured). This causes it to have a lower level of nitrosamines. It does appear that snus may be less bad for you than other kinds of chewing tobacco, and it is not yet clear how much less bad. Note also that the snus that is now made for American consumption uses a different process than the traditional Scandinavian snus, so it may be dangerous to overgeneralize.


(Any chewing tobacco other than snus) = (bad).
(Snus) ?= (bad).

Did you actually read that crap

This same argument would be blasted if it was talking about abstinence over protection in a sexual education debate.

I don’t support tobbacco use but come on, its a simple question. Is chewing safer than smoking?

A couple of years ago, for legitimate research purposes, I made 6-chloronicotine.
I got no more than whiff of it crossing the lab with an un-stoppered flask in hand and barely made it to my hood. I was propping myself up and trying to remain conscious. I found out later this stuff is about 20 times as toxic as Nicotine. Which explained a lot.