Is Nintendo fumbling it's position with the Wii?

I don’t think GHIII is out for any platform, yet. I loved playing Zelda, but you have to get past the pretty boring introductory part.

Whoops, it was Guitar Hero 80s edition I was thinking of that is bad. Guitar Hero III looks like it will be good. GH Encore: 80s edition is not available for the Wii. GHIII has a release date for all platforms in late October. I’ll be very much looking forward to that.

Does anyone have numbers on how much the Wii really is making inroads into the casual gamer environment?

One thing that I think you may be overlooking with game ratings percentages and things like that is how few games the average console owner buys. I don’t have a cite, but I think it’s around 6. I think I bought 5 games for my GC over its life. So far, I bought Wii play and one other game for the Wii. If there are only three good games in the next few years, I’ll buy them and be happy with the console. Hell, for the use my friends and I have gotten out of it, if all the Wii ever did was Wii bowling, it’s probably worth the $400 already.

Allow me, as this is something I have a little experience in.

I maintain the exclusive games list at Gaming Target (we update it monthly) and the totals for released exclusive titles that are green at Metacritic are:

Xbox 360: 20
Wii: 5
PS3: 3

And the total number of released exclusive titles breaks down like this:

Xbox 360: 47 (49 more upcoming)
Wii: 23 (90 more upcoming)
PS3: 8 (39 more upcoming)

The entire article can be found here: The Exclusive Arms Race: July 2007 Update (Special) @ Gaming Target

Thanks for the info. So going by yours and pulykamell’s data, most of the green games that the PS3 has are cross-platform with the 360. That supports the assertion that the PS3 got a leg up due to being able to ride the 360’s coattails. The Wii felt some of that too, but not nearly as much.

I find the stats for upcoming games interesting, too. The Wii has 90 exclusive titles coming out in the near future. Looks like developers are indeed trying to pick up the slack from when they were hedging their bets. It’s possible they may all be duds, but I find that hard to believe.

Justin, opinion on Nights?

And don’t forget the extensive Wii online catalog. You know what sold me on the Wii?
Sega. TG16. Sure, I could rom them, but doing it legit has a measure of appreciation.

God, there were some awesome games on the old Turbo Graphix. Alien Crush… the shooters…

And now I have Sonic and Ecco again, too!
Annnnd Gradius!

(I forget if Kid Icarus is out. I intend to get it if it is. I’ll check tonight)

That was one of the genius things, turning the Wiimote sideways makes it a NES controller.

Nights could be good or it could not, Sega’s been so stingy with information about the game that it’s almost too early to tell (and for a game coming out in two months that’s not exactly encouraging).

But whatever happens, there will be a very vocal minority that will talk endlessly about how the sequel ruined their enjoyment of the original. There’s just too much hype for that not to happen.

They are significant leaps over the previous generation, but only if you have a hidef tv.

Not only that, but they haven’t got to their capacity with what they can do with the games, given their new constraints.

I agree, at least with the 360. My brother has both the XBox and the 360 hooked up to a high-def TV and if you can’t see just the visual difference between the two gaming platform than, frankly, you’re blind. To me, it’s about the graphics improvement I would expect to see between two generations of game counsels.

You gotta be getting. The 360 and PS3 represent one of the smallest leaps in visuals of any generation, imo. The HD visuals clarify, but don’t significantly improve the graphic fidelity. Personally, I felt the jump from PSX, N64 to PS2, GCN, and Xbox was much, much greater.

Well, I simply disagree. I think the change won’t be as obvious because the last generation’s graphics were so good, but I think this generation’s graphics are at least twice as good as the last.

I suppose it might have something to do with the size of the tv. I haven’t owned a console in years; I play exclusively at a buddy’s house. He’s got a 70+ inch hidef monstrosity.

The difference between the original Xbox and the 360 on his set is far bigger than the difference between the PS1 and PS2 (on a normal set, of course). It’s like night and day.

Don’t forget about that thing Sega made. What was it called again? Wait, did it even exist? Maybe the whole thing was just a dream.

Graphically, the PS3 and 360 are a huge change, if you have HD.

But gamewise? I know the programming structure, I know the increased horsepower… but the games aren’t that much smarter. They’re not that hugely different.

The Dreamcast was a mighty warrior, the best system of its day. If its controller hadn’t been a freak of nature, Sega might not now be Nintendo’s bitch.

Beautiful Katamari may get a Wii release. Which would be the most awesome thing ever.

Aye. The Dreamcast was sexy. Stupid controller, though.

Well, since this thread I purchased and finished Resident Evil 4, as well as picking up a copy of Metroid Prime 3. My contention that the Wii certainly has capability for better graphics is really borne out in MP3. The game is beautiful, smooth, and finally looks like the type of graphics this generation of video game consoles should be producing. It’s not as good as the 360 or PS3–and I never expected the Wii’s graphics to be this good–but I’d say it’s about on par with something like Halo 2. The texture mapping isn’t quite as detailed, but the gameplay is ridiculously smooth.

This is certainly a sign of good things to come…

Anyone who’s worried about Nintendo’s status should keep an eye on this page.