is satire dead? GLAAD vs. Jay & Silent Bob

Spoofe, I expected better from you. Just because you disagree with some one is no reason to threaten their lives. And cannibalism is just over the line. For shame!

Hey, Miller, here’s $500 for the “Make Miller Smile” charity fund.

What do you think of my Soylent Purple suggestion now?

But he was being serious.


From the GLAAD webpage linked above…
GLAAD asked Miramax (the film’s distributor )

Ladies and gentlemen, that is extortion.

Yes, but that “substantial donation” does not appear to have been made, nor did GLAAD tell Miramax that they would boycott the film if no donation was made, nor is GLAAD asking for any of the money for themselves.

Kevin Smith chose to donate. That’s his right. I don’t see in either of those articles any indication that Miramax has done anything one way or the other.

Also, and again, GLAAD isn’t boycotting, they aren’t making (too much of) a fuss, they aren’t asking Kevin Smith to make any changes to the film, and they aren’t asking that their name be plastered on anything. As has been pointed out, the only thing that they’ve done is suggested a donation to the Matthew Shepherd Foundation, and in addition to the donation that Smith chose to make he also put a disclaimer in the credits that those sorts of slurs aren’t “cool.” Which, as was noted above, most people won’t hang around to see.

Not to hijack, but I’m a very “real” reader and I detest To Kill a Mockingbird. I think it’s an important book cluturally (a la Uncle Tom’s Cabin), but I don’t care for the writing, the character development, etc.

That being said, I’m still opposed to it being pulled from reading lists because it a) is a book very much beloved by a lot of people and b) does have an important cultural/historical place in America.

I’m a real reader, but apparently only a semi-functional typist today. Preview, preview preview.

Sorry about the the typos.

Also, have the GLAAD people seen the trailer for Rat Race, that movie actually looks offensive and I wouldn’t bother to protest it.

What pisses me off about GLAAD is that they claim to speak for me.

GLAAD got on my anti-PC shit list (the same list that contains Tipper Gore and PETA) when they got on the case of Jimmy Kimmel several years ago, when he was still just the sidekick of local prankster morning DJ’s Kevin and Bean. (Actually he is far funnier than them - that’s why he moved on to The Man Show, etc.)

One of his characters was Mister Bircham, a fictional high school shop instructor who gave the occasional editorial-laden movie review. This character was intentionally small-minded, racist, sexist, and all-around offensive – clearly a parody of a stereotype we’ve all encountered. He frequently used the terms “homo,” “dyke” and “faggot” to refer to gays.

This language mightily upset the GLAAD folks, because apparently, when people join an institution to support a cause, they lose all sense of humor when it comes to that cause.

Anyway, I think the way Kevin and Bean resolved the situation was brilliant. First they tried to explain to the GLAAD folks that it was humor, satire. Of course, this was met with further outrage. Then they invited two GLAAD representatives to the studio and read a list of humorous terms for “gay” - some their writers had made up. (I don’t remember most of them, but many of them were hilarious.)

Then they chose the words that made even the GLAAD people laugh, and promised to restrict themselves to those terms.

Which words were they? Choadler and Rumpian

Truly inspired! :smiley:

Not true. I read an interview with Mike Judge years ago where he said that he had thought that everyone would understand that “Beavis and Butthead” was satire, but that he soon realized he had overestimated his audience – many of his fans liked the show because they thought it was true to life. Worse still, they were sometimes right about this. Judge mentioned one young fast food employee who told him how much he liked the episode where B&B deep-fried worms, because he and his co-workers deep-fried roadkill for fun.

Ok, I’ll agree that there are some truly stupid people out there, but I am still more bothered by the type of person who thinks they’re so much smarter than the rest of us. I have a co-worker who loves to point out that “people are stupid”, conveniently ignoring the fact that he is in fact a “people” [sub]as well as pretty damn stupid[/sub] himself.
The roadkill cookin’ losers you mentioned above were doing that before the show.

Preach it, Goboy!! I can just imagine GLAAD 30 years ago doing it’s damndest to shut down All In the Family, 'cause some people wouldn’t “get it.” Sadly, it would be impossible to make such a show today due to such groups as GLAAD, etc. I strongly support GLAAD’s and the likes goals, but their methods and focus truly sucks.

But we should do our part to make sure people “get” the jokes. A small beginning:

A petshop owner would not actually nail a dead parrot to its post and pretend it was still alive.


Yes, it was satire, but you know what? It was also true to life-I KNEW people who were that stupid in high school.

I think this quote by Smith pretty much sums it up:

In the animated Clerks video (in one of the episodes that didn’t make it to the air) it’s revealed Jay is 26 years old but still in the 4th grade. The reason he says stuff like “That’s gay!” all the time is because that’s how stupid little kids who don’t know any better talk, and that’s why it’s funny.

According to the Coming Attractions website, there’s a segment of the movie where Jay and Ben Affleck get in a big discussion about why he’s always saying something so offensive. I’d think that would appease the GLAAD group somewhat, but I suppose it might’ve been cut or something. Of course without seeing the scene in question I’m not sure if Jay (or the audiance) gets the point or not.

Yes, of course they were. And they did not realize that “B&B” was a satire poking fun at people like them. Instead they identified with the characters and felt validated in their previously established behavior. I believe that GLAAD fears that this will be the case with people who see Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back – not that it will cause homophobia, but that it will serve to validate previously existing homophobia. And they’re not out on a limb with that belief, either.

I’m afraid I don’t have my Communications textbooks at hand, but there are studies going back decades that indicate that people with prejudiced views do not change or even re-examine those views after being exposed to satire that lampoons them. Instead they interpret it in a way that reinforces their beliefs instead of contradicting them. This is not to say that satire serves no purpose, or that I agree with GLAAD’s actions (I know nothing about the film in question and so have no real opinion on the matter), but if Kevin Smith thinks that his movie is going to make people less homophobic then he is fooling himself.

I can’t say I dissagree with you other than in a matter of degree. I did some Beavis & Butt-Head type shit when I was a teenager, but I like to think I’m a fairly intelligent person. I look back on some of the stupid things I’ve done and am embarassed, that is part of why I thought that show was funny.
As to satire not changing anyone, there you are wrong. I can point to personal experience, Frank Zappa’s observation that if God made man in his own image he must be one ugly mamajama [sub]and stupid on the side[/sub] was the first I had ever considered how self-centered it is that man says he was created in god’s image, thereby creating god in his own.

If this makes no sense, I appologise. I haven’t had enough caffein today.

People who feel validated by what Jay or Silent Bob say aren’t going to look at a disclaimer and thing “Wow, I guess it really isn’t cool to make fun of gay people.”


Personally, I think GLAAD could benefit the gay community much more if they would focus on fighting real homophobia instead of complaining about any form of art that contains anything remotely un-PC towards gays. By whining about everything they find not-entirely-respectful, they’re damaging their credibility much like PETA has.

I am so fucking sick of every single person who is offended by something taking action. If you don’t like the movie/songs/tv show etc. then DON’T FUCKING WATCH IT. You have NO authority to dictate what I or anyone else can produce or watch.

I am so annoyed at this feeling of entitlement that if anyone makes a culturally insensitive/un-PC comment, they must be dragged in back, shot, and their work destroyed and erased from history. Of course, this must be done in the name of “tolerance.” How about tolerating opposing view points.

I think that snopes covers a very similar issue in this link:

You know Qwertyasdfg I am sick of people being offended by others being offended. How about you tolerating others viewpoints? How about you actually read the thread. Glaad was merely expressing its opinion. Then again I don’t really think too many people are actually reading this thread. Raging against the PC people is so much fun that people jump in with both knees.