Is the excrement of any living being eaten by humans anywhere

Sometimes when you try to give a reindeer a blowjob, things do go as planned.

I recall some documentary on Vikings that said they seasoned their food with reindeer droppings. Can’t find anything about this because searching turns up some kind of confection called Reindeer Poop instead of real info.

There is also a known medical treatment using Koala Bear excrement developed at Mercy Hospital. The droppings are steeped in hot water which is then consumed directly with chunks of the solid material still floating in the brew. It is done this way traditionally because… the Koala Tea of Mercy is not strained.

Tweeeeeeet!! Groaner foul! Lose 1 point!!

It droppeth like a bear from trees?

I’m inclined to file this under bullshit: Ttongsul

Medicinal shit, including references to historical uses.

They have much better vision than mammals.

My guess? People ate some vegetables or fruits right off the plant without washing them and got high from it, and wondered what was causing it and discovered that the location coincided with wherever the reindeer were marking their territory.


Examples of traditional Inuit diet including feces.

The dark part of the “vein” is literally shrimp poop. So you eat shrimp poop and you’re providing a good answer to the OP.

So again, for the OP, the answer is yes, GaryM is the human eating excrement.

(I assume GaryM is human.)

And an obligatory note, according to Uncle Cecil that vein is safe to eat if the shrimp is cooked properly. Shrimp are scavengers and their poop is mostly dirt with some decaying vegetable and animal bits (so kind of like human poop if humans ate lots of dirt along with our food). But at least if it’s cooked right then the bacteria is dead and you won’t get sick.

Still… it’s poop.

Whilst in accept you answer i still think eating the whole animal with its poop inside it does not fully meet my criteria.

It has to be just the poop as a separate entity.

Beer Wine Distilled Spirits
excrement of yeast mold

There is a scene in the John Waters movie Pink Flamingos that shows Divine eating fresh dog turd. Everyone involved swears it was real.

I’m just going to go and call it NSFW:

Beer wine distilled spirits
all excrement of yeast mold
worst haiku ever.

There was a riveting documentary released called “Ace Venture; Pet Detective” in it, he eats a dish of “bat guano” which the tribesman said was bat droppings…how accurate was that documentary? :slight_smile:

It is accurate in that “guano” is in fact the word for bat droppings.