Is the London Olympic Logo Racist?

Oh noes! It’s part of the protocols of the Elders of ZO-IZ.

I’m with Iran on this one. That logo discrimates against everyone who isn’t butt ugly. Why must the rest of us suffer with that awful image?

Eh, by now isn’t stupid and ridiculous a tradition for Olympics logos and mascots? It’s practically mandatory, I think. At least this one has the amusing Lisa Simpson angle.

Well its not a government official here.

As bad as that logo is, it’s still better than the proposed one that looked like goatse. (No, I’m not looking that up from work…)

I have no knowledge of biases you may have against anyone and cannot comment on the same. I do think your statement shows you to be generally judgmental.

The wrestling team OTH will be missed.

I admit to having judged Ahmedinejad a demagogue with whom I associate foolish proclamations. I doubt that this shows me to be “generally judgmental,” but YMMV.

That was for a BBC competition. It made the shortlist and made it on-screen several times. It is here (Safe for Work)

And the protocols are still being discussed in multiple standards committees. Zoik!

Worst logo ever.

Not being able to watch the Iranian beach volleyball team makes me a sad panda.
Fortunately the other female volleyball teams will still be there.

I can only presume that the mascots are an accurate representation of those elders. :eek:

I think as well as being 2012 it could also be a stylized continental map. 2=North America, 0=Eurasia, 1= South America, 2=Africa.

I like that explanation, actually, and is the only forgivable excuse for coming up with the logo they did!

I’m guessing that since we haven’t heard the explanation from someone involved with the 2012 Games that they haven’t thought of that, but maybe someone will see this post …

(Personally, I really liked the logo they had for their Olympic bid, the one with the ribbon in the shape of the Thames … )

Yeah, but then, what the crap is that giant dot? A land bridge between S. America and Africa? The Canary Islands? A huge supertanker? The Kraken? What?!

Oooooooooo…I vote for the Kraken!

Yeah, I gotta say, that dot bugs me! What is it? Why is it there? Since when do you put a dot in 2012?


LIKE THIS; HIGHLIGHT FOR DETAILS. By adding in non-capitalized, white colored text.

The three exclamation marks were insufficiently … exclamatory?