Is the oil era coming to an end?

You sound huffy–as if I have some sort of opposition to alternatives. Not so. As I’ve said many times, it’s just a financial decision for me.

My only position is that the free market will drive what happens over anything else, including altruism toward future generations based on AGW concerns.

If one is opposed to the use of oil, wherever and however it is used, cheap oil should be a concern because cheap oil will slow down interest in alternatives.

For example, if you think Nuclear or solar needs to be promoted to make electricity to power vehicles, then cheap oil is your enemy–not your friend.

But have at it investing wherever you like. It’s your money.

As the guy being interviewed points out, “in the short run” fear will get that sentiment as Shawn Kravetz, president of Boston-based Esplanade Capital explained, but as the Bloomberg report showed it is not just the price of oil that is driving the deployment of solar power and others. The point indeed is that this situation will not be a permanent one and the article also supports what I cited early, solar power does not depend as before with the price of oil.

Again you are only pointing at the problems that are already taken into account, the change will take place faster the sooner we get rid of the denier Republicans in congress.

Wait…what have they to do with the free market and oil v alternatives?

Are you now suggesting that cheap oil DOES hurt alternatives, and that therefore we need to get rid of denier Republicans so we can artificially alter prices by making oil more expensive or subsidizing alternatives?

Given history of technology, the Solar Power will replace fossil fuels in 2040s and 2050s. Not earlier.

But we know what took place, except you of course. :slight_smile:

Powerful interests funded tea partier and other arch conservatives that turned cap-n-trade into the work of the devil, that as an after effect the Republicans also became the denier party is what the powerful interests wanted and got.

A bit of column A and a bit of column B. It would be better if we should add the real price to our emissions for using the atmosphere as a sewer. And the free marked should be used too for the solutions indeed.