Is there any dirt on Billy Graham?

According to legend, Billy Graham once met with Swaggart, Bakker and (I believe) Roberts and mentioned that all of them should adopt a code of ethics concerning the solictation of donations on television.

Reportedly, his suggestion was met with hysterical laughter.
That’s all I ever heard about him.

The Charlotte Observer reported in the late '70s that Graham reused material in his books.

That’s it. He plagiarized himself. I’m so ashamed to even share this, but you asked.

Speaking as someone who lived for most of 30 years in the Charlotte area, where Graham is very well known, that and the other few items mentioned above sum up the dirt.

Amazing concept: act according to your principles and live a scandal-free life.

ftg wrote

The Nixon reference and the God’s political party reference seem to indicate you believe Graham supports one party or one political mindset. You should probably do a bit of research before making such accusations.

Every U.S. President since Truman has found occasion to call on Graham. As many connections you can find between him and Nixon, you can find between him and Truman or him and Clinton. He’s done a great job of crossing party bounderies and encouraging moral leadership in politics.

I find him to be an honest man and a great moral example to Christians and non-Christians. And I’m an atheist.

First of all, I would appreciate a cite that Graham thought Nixon was “a great moral leader.”

Secondly, I would humbly submit that even if what you say is true, maybe the fact that the politicians were pretty low meant that Graham thought they needed his guidance more. Even Jesus hung out with sinners and tax-collectors. (Is that redundant?)

Thirdly, for my money, here’s the best reason I can give for believeing that Graham is worthwhile :

Texe Marrs hates him.

While looking for a cite, I came across this site that criticizes Graham for his pursuit of presidential friendships, and the price that he paid. The source for this is “A Prophet With Honor,” a biography which was described by Kirkus Reviews as “a sympathetic but balanced biography.” (Source:

DID SO :stuck_out_tongue:
Mr. ‘not a christian’ here kinda admires the man.

See down near the end of section 89. The previously mentioned Salon article backs up my other point.

I assume at this point the retraction requesters will retract themselves?

There’s a lot of articles out there that document Graham’s political leanings. Just do a Google, sheesh.

With all due respect, ftg, that’s the kind of stuff I had already found with Vivisimo and Google, as noted in the OP.

You’ve cited subjective opinion from biased sources dealing with the doctor’s very early career that say nothing more than, “Well, I just don’t like him, and he could have done a couple of things differently as I see it.” I don’t know about you, but I don’t consider such musings as evidence of anything other than the bias and myopia of their authors. Political affiliation does not a scandal make.

I’m looking for a smoking gun, here. Something that says Graham stole some money, hired a prostitute, defrauded a contributor, or lied about his credentials. Something like that. I want adultery. I want robbery. I want hypocrisy. Don’t you know what scandal is?

You and me both. :wink:

It was a 600-foot Jesus, picking people like flowers. And it was Oral Roberts.

Libertarian, I do like your posts, and I’m certainly no Christian (or any other religion), but this thread is starting to seem in poor taste and bother me. I’m curious - can you say what is the fundamental reason, or goal you are trying to accomplish here by egging people on to “find the dirt” on Billy Graham? :confused:

Conservative Christians have always been surprised that Graham has never made his position clear on abortion.

No, I cannot. And neither have I stopped beating my wife inasmuch as I never started.

I won’t speak for Lib, but to me it is a tribute to Billy Graham. Even those that have mentioned possible flaws have done so in a manner that shows that it is trival.

I have a flaw to mention that is also very trival, but it shows that what to one person means nothing, to another is a flaw. My sixth grade teacher was that teacher that everyone wishes they had never had as a teacher. Billy Graham had just started and she thought he was the most wonderful man in the world. But there was a problem, Billy Graham had divorced his college sweetheart and my teacher was constantly making excuses for it. Because of her I used to hate Mr. Graham, but over time have come to admire him.

As to the president question, I remember that BG came out before President Carter and said that he had come to realize that he needed to keep more distance between himself and whoever was the president. So, if this is a criticism against him, it is one that he himself realized and acknowledged.

[sup]Yes, Mrs. Cox, I defended Billy Graham[/sup]

Perhaps I am misunderstanding you. Your own posts here indicate that you are looking for the dirt on Billy Graham. Are you claiming that these statements do not give this impression?

Please note that I didn’t assign any motives at all to your asking. But please, don’t try to talk down to me and tell me that your posts did not have the appearance of trying to get people to “find the dirt”. Because that is exactly how they appear.

I withdraw my question as to why you want to know - it’s not my business. But don’t talk down to me and try to pretend like I didn’t have a valid point here.

Aw, crap, Ant. Cut it out.

Thanks, all. I think I have my answer now. He is, as Salon says, clean as a whistle.