Is there any evidence for the subconscious?

Yes, the human subconscious was carried to earth by that very asteroid (cite=this post).

I knew I was just quoting a post, it was just an attempt to explain why I included that activity in the “pattern matching” thought. I do not have knowledge or opinion about sexing and I probably should have said “sexing sounds like it’s one of those pattern matching activities”.

Nice post and one, I think, that captures how “the subconscious” and “conscious thought” have evolved as concepts.

That separate function concept you reference is not too dissimilar, it seems to me, to the old school psychiatry characterization of Freud, Jung, and others. Psychiatry is now however in the age of neurotransmitters and holds little interest in such things. Oh sure there are still places training people to psychoanalyze, but most therapy is accomplished without it (and most psychiatrists are more interested in psychopharmacological approaches).

Neurobiology research today approaches “consciousness” and “self-awareness” as a small part of human brain function. The approach is less to figure out what is contained within “the subconscious” but what of all that processing gets experienced as conscious awareness. For example, you have this neural networks model by Stephen Grossberg (warning pdf):

Some think of this as attempting to identify “neural correlates of consciousness”. Implicit in these discussions however is that that which does not meet such a level may be both the foundation of that which does and not perceived as conscious thought, i.e. is subconscious, but the effort is less to define the subconscious than it is to define what forms consciousness.

In that model (very similar to Grossberg’s) that reverberatory neural activity is subconscious until it exceeds that critical threshold, wins the competition between other reverberatory assemblages, and propagates.

It seems to me that most processing is not done consciously but that our conscious selves are instead more involved in longer range higher order planning and in making up stories to explain to ourselves the decisions lower level processing (“the subconscious”) has already made.

Fun stuff even if it is as mythical as my big toe.

Great post DSeid.

In case people think that subconscious thought is merely being redefined as mundane things that we all know about such as routine motor tasks, that isn’t the case either. Someone reported above that one way to solve a hard problem is just to step away from it and let the brain process information in the background until the solution just appears. I have done that many times while programming something really difficult and lots of other people including scientists and artists report the same thing. Sometimes the answer comes to you in a dead sleep so I just made sure to keep a notepad beside the bed. There have been scientists who made major breakthroughs using that technique and they felt guilty for taking credit for their discovery because they thought it wasn’t really ‘theirs’ but I don’t see it that way.

Look at it, it exists.

The human big toe had a definite evolutionary purpose to exist, so it exists.

The subconscious is an invention, an abstract idea, that claims to explain how the human brain works.

It was a legitimate guess, but now that we can detect the physiological changes in the brain, we know better.

It was never anything but a concept, just like consciousness.

Sorry, you’re still guessing. We still don’t know the details. Nothing has changed to invalidate the concept of the subconscious.

I’m not guessing.

I leave everything to the scientific process, rather than human unsubstantiated claims.

Eventually we will figure out what conscious and subconscious is… all of it will be physiologically based and amenable to scientific research.

There are no spirits.

(bolding mine)

Yes, eventually. In the mean time it’s all guessing. So you have no idea. Even when we understand the process, the concept of the subconcious won’t go away. We’ll just know how it works. It may not have any significance in the end, but that won’t eliminate the concept. And it still might have tremendous significance. We don’t have enough information to make any such determination now.

All that is irrelevant to reality.

Reality exists independently of the human capacity to comprehend it.

That is arguable, and another discussion, and I wouldn’t take the other side anyway. Do you have any comments germane to this topic?

I did.

Humans are irrelevant to nature.

Why are you talking about spirits? We are discussing brain function.

Uh yeah, Naxos, I think it’s be useful if you could share the definition of “subconscious” that you’re working with here. 'Cos I’m pretty sure it’s different from how everyone else in the thread is using it.

[moderator note]
Naxos, this is the GQ forum. When you make assertions, they need to be backed up with citations. If you wish to argue the subject based on opinions, please take it to IMHO.
[/moderator note]

Don’t know if anybody else noticed this yet, but there’s this article in the on-line news today (12/26/2011) on this subject:

The mystery of expertise

Lede: “There is a chasm between what the brain knows, says David Eagleman, and what our minds can fathom”

Also at:

Reader comment posted by James Eric:

(Footnote to article says this is re-published from someplace else, so maybe everybody but me has seen this already.)

ETA: Yes, this article talks about chick sexing and that school in Japan, and friendly vs. enemy incoming aircraft, and brain damage that can leave the victim debilitated yet not know he’s debilitated.