Is this an office or a pet shelter?

This country is going down the tubes, 1.5 fucking million?

:rolleyes: What a load of shit.

I’m sure the bill came out to a million and a half.

What a mountain of steaming shit!

America is officially on the decline folks.

And considering that library is about a half hour away from me, I’m right at the bottom of the shit heap!!!

As a lover of cats who rues the fact that she’s horribly allergic, I have such mixed feelings on the issue. But when you take a vote, sheesh, what more do you need to see that this probably isn’t appropriate???

I’m with you!

Personally, aside from customer-driven business where some customers may have allergies, I’m all for pets in the workplace. Studies show that animals help reduce stress and lower blood pressure.

I bought my cellphone from a local office who kept an adorable Boston terror in the office. Since I have two Bostons, I spent so much time playing fetch with the office dog, I paid no attention to any of the paperwork I signed with the cellphone company. Brilliant marketing ploy, if you ask me.

I’ve had a number of people bring their new pets into our office for show and tell. One girl brought her new puppy in, plopped him on my desk, where he promptly decided to pee on my budget variance reports. I was amused. Another employee, who reported to me, brought in his pit bull pup, who napped on my lap for the better part of the afternoon, until I made my employee take him home so I could get work done.

I picked up my dog from the vet recently, and had to come into the office (it was a Sunday morning), for a brief, emergency errand. I didn’t wanna leave my little guy at home alone when he was still recovering from his trip to the vet – he was still a bit woozy. At least he pooped in my office – which I cleaned up before anyone knew he was in here.

My issue is with those who bring their new babies in the office. I hate it, not because I don’t love kids, but because all work stops. Every woman with a ticking biological clock drops what she’s doing and runs to the new baby to coo and make baby noises. I have asked my staff to restrict their baby show and tells to lunch breaks and after hours only. They have declared that they refuse to allow me within 100 feet of their children. My staff is wise beyond their years. (They will let me dog sit for them!)

Boston terror?

I love it.