Is This how Bill Maher (whossname) usually is?

Sure, and thank god that’s not my only criteria for judging a comedian. Dennis Miller sucks in pretty much every way, and the fact that he vaccinated his kid isn’t going to tip the scales in his favor here. Maher has a couple of issues on which I think he’s off-base, but overall, he’s pretty dead on, esp. re: religion and politics. I don’t think there’s anyone alive who doesn’t have some bullshit thing they believe in. I think Maher himself would agree with that, and wouldn’t impugn your right to mock him for it if you feel the need to.

I think he’s an equal opportunity mocker of religion.

[quote=“Rubystreak, post:41, topic:466753”]

Sure, and thank god that’s not my only criteria for judging a comedian. Dennis Miller sucks in pretty much every way, and the fact that he vaccinated his kid isn’t going to tip the scales in his favor here. [/Quotre]

In your opinion. You may disagree with him which is fine but I don’t think he has a view as utterly stupid and unobjective as Maher’s on vacination (perhaps he does I just don’t know).

That’s big of him. I find that he picks easy targets which isn’ particularly brave or interesting to me.

Not sure that is true. Does he interview any Imans in the movie or any other theologists from Islam?

He is a huge George Bush supporter and has become a total Republican hack and cheerleader. In my opinion (obviously I have to state that) that’s just as bad.

Really, you think organized religion is an easy target, eh? That’s why we’ve had an openly atheist president, right? No, I’d say religion and faith are sacred cows in this country and you attack them at your own peril. Witness the 3 threads currently going about Maher’s religious beliefs right now.

Also, you do know he got fired from ABC over his comment that the 9/11 terrorists were not cowards. He doesn’t always choose the easy stance and has suffered for being outspoken about what he believes in. You don’t seem to know very much about him.

I did not see the movie but I have watched both of his shows, and I haven’t seen any favoritism towards any religion. He does bust on Christianity the most heavily because he’s a recovering Catholic and is critical about how Christianity affects American politics. He has pointed out how hypocritical people are who criticize Islamic extremism while condoning the Christian kind.

I’m surprised it hasn’t been mentioned yet, but Maher is also a pretty vociferous pot head*. That, along with his political stance and his views on religion, are reasons I like him. That, and I think his HBO show is pretty funny.

*I’ve long been tempted to start a GQ thread asking why he isn’t raided or otherwise harrassed by the police, when he’s always mentioning his love of pot and his propensity for getting high.

I thought it was what he said immediately after that, “The guys firing the missiles at them are cowards.” That rather annoyed me, at that.:slight_smile:

It was the politicians authorizing strikes on civilians that he criticized as cowardly. This is the first cite I could find. Here is an explanation by him of what he meant.

Yes, several. And Orthodox Jews and ex-Mormons (No current ones would talk to him. They kicked him and his crew off the lawn in front of the temple in SLC). And he makes fun of Scientology, but doesn’t talk with any Scientologists, IIRC.

He’s got a fantastic ability to put his foot in his mouth I know that. IIRC in his Politically Incorrect days he compared having a disabled child to taking care of a dog.

I like the guy but for his “anti-medicine” stances. He’s brash, but that’s his style and that’s what gets discussion started. I still remember the audience reaction from, “They’re working on male birth control. I HONESTLY, think this will revolutionize human sexuality because no longer can women ‘accidently’ get pregnant.” :smiley:

Well it’s your opinion but being a Bush supporter and having a massive incomprehensoon of medicine are different things to me. One is subjective the other is just stupid. You decide which works better for you.

Absolutely an easy target. We live in an open, mostly secular society where you can rip on organized religion (other than Islam, of course). Here’s the thing though, if you open your mouth then expect to get criticized right back. It’s a two-way street after all.

Honestly I find it hard to believe that he is harder on Christianity/Catholicism which is relatively benign as currently practiced when compared with the more virulent forms of Islam currently practiced. Seems to be a very easy target to me.

Thanks for your permission to hold an opinion. I think promoting a corrupt and unjust war and an idiotic regime is just as harmful as having wrong ideas about medicine. This is an issue of opinion and I don’t think either of us is going to convince the other.

It’s getting less secular by the day, and it’s only secular because people are critical of the trend towards inserting religion into government. I don’t know why you think Maher has a problem with being criticized back. He regularly has people who disagree with him on his panel and treats them with respect.

You find it hard to believe he’s harder on Christianity? He is, probably because it’s the dominant paradigm in America and goes largely unquestioned. Also, his background is Catholic, which gives him unique insight on the deranged beliefs of Christians. To say Christianity, especially fundamentalism, is benign as practiced just shows that we differ greatly about the impact of religion on society. I think it’s a sacred cow that needs to be made into hamburger, but most people are too decorous and frightened of giving offense. Maher’s not, so he gets labeled a dick.

Agree with you there.

Cite? And from what I have seen he does not treat his guest particularly well. He uses that tried and true method of pandering to the audience to score points. He’s not alone in that but it’s fairly weak imho.

I think Christianity is regualarly and rightfully attacked in the US. I think he doesn’t take on Islam because it’s a lot scarier to do so given some adherents reaction to criticism. Indeed, if anything, Islam is a lot more dangerous and medieval and it requires much more immediate action that most anything currently being practiced by your average Catholic.

You’re asking for a cite here? What am I supposed to offer you, transcripts of specific shows? I find him to be generous and open with guests whose views are different from his. He often has conservatives on the show to balance out the discourse. He is, in fact, friendly with Anne Coulter, and has had her on the show and treated her fairly. He often scolds or shushes the audience if they are booing someone with right wing views. He’s much nicer than O’Reilly or Hannity to opposing viewpoints. Again, your lack of knowledge about Maher is showing.

He does take on Islam. Other people have stated this in this very thread, just as other people mentioned his friendliness with Coulter and openness to other views. You are creating this version of Bill Maher that conforms to your preconceptions about him and then arguing against me based on that, not on anything real about Maher. You don’t like the guy. We get it. Too bad your dislike isn’t based on facts, because there are plenty of real reasons not to like him if that’s what you want to do.