Is this joke funny?


Reminds me of something I saw in National Lampoon years ago. I think it was a “feminist to English” translation dictionary:

“That’s not funny” is translated to mean “That’s funny.”
“That is offensive!” means “That is VERY funny.”
And “That is funny” means “That is not funny.”

In any case, the joke in the OP actually isn’t funny, except maybe to a clever 8 year old. The punchline is weak, and the whole premise is just contrived.

But how do you get them in the lightbulb?

That’s not funny either. :wink:

No - it’s making fun of TWO of them!

::boom boom::

Q: How many Oakminsters does it take to change a light bulb?

A: IT’S NOT FUNNY, RIGHT?!!! :mad:

I thought calling them “siamese” was politically incorrect now, like Vinyl Turnip said.

Q: How many Harvard girls does it take to screw in a lightbilb?

A: That’s Radcliffe, that’s women, and THAT’S NOT FUNNY.

You used that smiley just because I’m one-eyed. :cool:

You used the cool smiley because you’re insensitive to the blind. :smiley:

No. The joke in the OP is not an offensive joke about Siamese twins. This is an offensive joke about Siamese twins:
How do you get Siamese twins off the couch?

Just jerk one off and the other will come.

You used the big grin smiley because you’re insensitive to Baba Booey. :eek:

You used that big-eyes smiley because you’re insensitive to people who’ve been raped! :mad:

Why are you so insensitive to Native Americans? :confused:

You used that red smiley because you are insensitive to the plight of the Native Americans!

I’m offended by your use of the term “company”, and would like an apology.

So if two people have the same name they’re really just one person?

Yeah, it was somewhat funny. It seems to me that if I were a conjoined twin, I’d find it even more funny. Sometimes I feel like people in unique circumstances have more of a sense of humor about it than the people rushing to defend them.

Seriously? I hope you’re trying to make a funny.

!st guy. I went out with a siamese twin yesterday’.
2nd guy. Did you have a good time?
1st guy Well, yes and no.

Conjoined twins are hanging out at home. The phone rings. One of them picks it up. The other one whispers “I’m not here!”

OK, shamelessly stolen.