Is this news story likely true or just some kind of joke?

I think therefore I am.
You don’t think it is, therefore it isn’t.

My friend’s favorite “joke” for a while (when he was 12 or 13 naturally) was to ask a guy “What is the capital of Thailand?” and then yell “Bangkok!” and hit them in the junk. Good times.

Baba Booey
Baba Booey
Baba Booey
Howard Stern’s Penis
Baba Booey

(ETA: Sorry. Couldn’t help myself.)

Anyone who’s played Trivial Pursuit (remember that?) should know about Lake Titicaca.

It was the Moops!

And which two songs contain koo-koo-ka-choo.

Back in the 1960’s the engineering company I worked for in St. Louis designed the bridge from Phuket Island to the mainland. I can guarantee you that it was NOT pronounced poo-ket at work. No matter what the correct pronunciation was.

It’s funnier when you know that the unaspirated K sounds a lot like a G to English speaking ears. :smiley:

Wonder if there’s a town anywhere pronounced “koring”…

I mean this in the nicest possible way. Please bookmark Google, Charlie. Asking questions is a good thing, but making the effort to do your own research before asking is even better.

You won’t BELIEVE what this mom did in Intercourse, PA last night!

I don’t know why the OP would think this might be a joke story. And yes, Yingyong is not an uncommon name in Thailand, although the O is a long O, not pronounced “-aw.” If the OP knew how funny many Western names sound in Thai – for example, “Jim” pronounced with a certain tone is vulgar slang for “vagina” – he might not be so condescending.

In addition to having been in the local media, there’s a local website called Farang Deaths that details foreign deaths in Thailand including this Mike Talbot’s.

And Phuket is pronounced “poo-get.” There are no F or K sounds at all.

I suggest the OP get out into the world a little more.

And then there’s this nice little village in Austria.

I can only name one. :frowning:

I Am The Walrus, and Mrs. Robinson.

I know, it may not be accurate for Walrus, but that’s what the card said!