Is This the Dumbest New Congressmember?

Well, it would be harder on the men than the women. . .

According to this, Bella went hatless in the chamber. Many Jewish women wear wigs as a head covering, and she may have done this. Anyone want to step up and fight some ignorance?

Clueless? Check
Worried about shit that doesn’t matter? Check
Does not know the meaning of words? Check
Democrat? Check


thanks! i would reckon if anyone could have had it overturned it would have been ms abzug, she had a really good argument.

You do notice, do you not, that there are plenty of Democrats in here who think she’s an idiot, too? Sure, there are losers in both parties, but we don’t embrace ours.

I’m not sure it’s quite as dumb as the guy who claimed the Pilgrims were escaping socialism, but I can’t remember if that guy was a freshman.

That’s actually the right meme of the day right now. It’s been all over Foxnews and Rush.

It’s probably a Macbeth riff

Of course, the Bard would probably think she’s already unsexed herself by seeking the power of office, anyway.

I don’t know if she’s crazier for want the rule waived for her or because of the wacky ass hats she wants to wear to Congress.

It is not her love of hats. It is her terrible taste in hats that matters.

Exactly. When I see those hats, I don’t think “feminine” but rather, “bad act in Vegas that cost $5 and you get a coupon for the prime rib buffet”

I’m fairly sure sexually pleasuring oneself on the House floor is also banned, or at least frowned upon.

Anything to cut the deficit. :smiley:

Would you raise a point of order if it were Michelle Bachmann?

Wow. Over 300 hats? A separate room in her house to store them? She’s like the Imelda Marcos of (fugly) hats.

Whenever she’s down in the dumps, she gets a new hat.

Most of us go to the mall, instead.

I’d raise a point of throwing up in my mouth a little bit. I don’t think Robert’s Rules cover that, do they?

Well, there’s at least one former Senate candidate you know wouldn’t be doing that, anyway…

Yes, but I’m sure there’s something in the by-laws about boiling cauldrons on the floor during sessions.

What a friggin’ idiot.