Is Trump confused?

So… like Breaking Bad’s Hector Salamanca, but his bell gets him a Diet Coke?

If what he says and how he says it upsets his opponents, then that will be considered a “win” by far too many of his supporters.

To me this is the crux of the thing. His supporters genuinely don’t care what he does, or how truthful he is. And no matter how many fact-checkers there are and how effectively they manage to elucidate the truth, that will just be seen as the woke-left lying. It’s a no-win situation.

It’s true. Trump could shit himself on stage in a debate, and his supporters would cheer.

“Ha ha, look at how he made those people gag!”

His whole philosophy of never admitting a mistake is what escalates his gaffs. Most politicians can shrug off a slip of the tongue with a “I misspoke, I said Obama when I meant Biden but the point still stands that blah blah blah”.
He has to double down and make up a crazier explanation just to avoid having to say I made an oops. “No, I meant Obama because that is who I think is REALLY calling the shots and I was being sarcastic and I took another cognitive test to prove that and nobody is smart enough to get my jokes and they just want to hunt for witches and it all proves the election was rigged”

The knuckle-draggers sitting behind him at his rallys are apparently just basking in his glow- they don’t seem to really be listening to any of his blather. They’re grinning and looking around, and when he says the most outrageous and obvious bullshit, there is no change in any of their expressions. No side eyeing each other or eyes wide open. If the crowd facing him is similar to the one behind him, then it’s pathetic that he would get an ego boost from entertaining such a pack of morans. But I digest- I hate trump.

That has been suggested. People are Saying™ that that’s what he’s diong when he mocks female weightlifters.

Which was demonstrated already. From my perspective when Trump was playing President, it seemed like he sided with foreign dictators most of the time. He was actively trying to pull the U.S. out of NATO, and he sided with Russia in Syria, for examples. The KGB started targeting him as an asset as far back as 1977.

It seems to me that decades of always being right, and always being the victim, has skewed Trump’s perspective. I personally think he’s medically declining mentally. I wonder if the contradictions between his fantasies and reality are a factor. Could he be that aware?

Or she has a good sense of humor.

He probably is mentally declining, but he still knows his go-to tactic of attacking his opponent with just anything, no matter how blatantly and provably false. He needed something to attack Haley on, couldn’t think of a new claim to make about her in real time while talking, so copied and pasted from the “attack Nancy Pelosi” subroutine. His brain, or what’s left of it, is like a very primitive, malignant computer program.

Is it that much different from showing up to a concert wearing a T-shirt of the band’s old lineup?

He uses the word “sarcastic” (and the phrase “locker-room talk”) the same way sovereign citizen types use expressions like “I do not wish to create joinder with you” - as if they’re magic spells that will poof his problems out of existence.

To be fair, I have told some of my Trumper acquaintances, when they say Biden is mentally unfit, that I would vote for a wheelchair bound, drooling Biden over Trump. And I meant it.

Not seen were the MAGA changes she had made to the t-shirt with a sharpie to update it since the Jan. 6. riots, to look something like this:

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 |  O
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(In the MAGA version of the game a hangman segment is drawn whenever a correct letter is guessed)

I was listening to a radio comedian. Pointed out some people like Trump since he “has no filter”.

“But what if he does? And the stuff that comes out has been carefully curated? What’s left behind? That the Ninja Turtles are real?”

I recall reading something about cockroaches having a very simple program: If it’s food, eat it. If it’s light, run away. If it’s dark, run to. I don’t remember if it was serious, or if it was in a Terry Pratchett or other story.

In any case, that’s what I think of whenever I think of or hear about a ‘primitive program’.

I’ve always thought his word salad came from mental decline. He seemed more coherent when he was younger. I could see this as further decline.

And since one of the main things MAGA loves to go after is Biden’s speech and age, I do think could be profitable to go for it,(even if they won’t believe it) to make it harder for them to use that talking point.emphasized text

I’m hoping Haley stays in the race for a while longer, because she’s probably going to start hitting Trump on this issue, and it’s better overall if she takes the hit for playing dirty. Plus, she’s more likely to say this in venues where Trump supporters might hear her, and maybe even accidentally listen to her. There’s no point in “going for it” on CNN, because they’ll never see that.

As am I, but I started out way better than he’s ever been. Not bragging. He can’t spell simple words.

There’s really only one simple word that matters to him.

It’s kind of funny that Trump is such a habitual liar we don’t know if he’s just getting those lies confused or if he might be experiencing some cognative degradation. It could be that his cognative degradation is just making it more difficult for him to keep his lies straight. Not only is is he having difficulting keep track of who is who, he’s having trouble keeping on track during his speeches. At times he doesn’t seem to know what he’s talking about. And when I say that I don’t mean he’s got no real idea about the subject, I mean he literally doesn’t know what he’s talking about.