Is what Westerners call "logic/logical" a matter of cultural perspective?

Fair enough, though .08 is a pretty significant difference. That’s 29%.

even seven. Got about half-way through “Geography of Thought”(2004). Very dated now in terms of the Chinese character/personality traits, at least for those under 50 years of age from what I can see. Also, many words the author says don’t exist in Chinese certainly do;p. 17. size (大小;尺寸) p.51 individualism (个人主义;利己主义;个人特征). Interesting background on the differences between ancient Greek and ancient Chinese thought, though.

There’s gotta be a good lawyer joke in there somewhere. I leave it as an exercise for the reader. :slight_smile:

What, even a cheap shot is too much for you? :wink:

Yeah, any book along these lines is going to have problematic areas. The ancient thought part was good, and a lot of the bilingual studies were really interesting.