Is women's figure skating... umm... crotch-oriented?

There are other aspects?

Well dagnabbit :smack:

Hehe. Well, that’s why I used the word “more.” Certainly, just about the entire female body (feet, legs, arms, hands, neck, face, hands, back, midriff) has been sexualized. But there’s still a top 3.

Ok, enough post-feminist deconstructionism.

I’d say you’re right. But it’s interesting to note that (based on a television ratings breakdown from about 10 years ago) women’s figure skating is the highest-rated Olympic event with women, who heavily outnumber the male viewers.

Sure, and women also buy up magazines like Vogue and Cosmo, which are full of pictures of women.

That, and the fact that most men would scoff at the notion of watching shapley women on ice in lieu of watching men fight on a mat or slam into each other on a field support my “Most People Are Secretly Gay” theory.

I think the reason male figure skaters appear to have large “packages” is due to the fact that they surround themselves with women who are very physically fit. The effects of that are much like Viagra.