Is your Social Security number on your birth certificate?

Not only is my SSN not shown on my birth certificate (from a US territorial jurisdiction), but it doesn’t even have my current legal name on it. But is it perfectly valid.

Getting a SSN for babies didn’t become common until the IRS started requiring a SSN for dependents on the 1040 in 1993. In 98 they required an application for a SSN as part of the birth registration process.


From what I’ve heard this requirement for a SSN killed off more children than the 10th plague of Egypt or at least caused them disappear from the 1040. Before that people were claiming house pets as dependents or just making them up.

I hear the person at the IRS, who came up with the idea about the SSN, got a huge attaboy since it resulted in billions of dollars in additional revenue.

I got my SSN in High School, since it was required to take the SAT. A lot of people got theirs when they got their first job.

I was born in 1949. My brothers and I didn’t get our (consecutive) SSNs until Dad bought some stock in our names, I think, in the early 1960s.

I got a new copy of my BC two years ago, and it bears no SSN.