It's a Christmas miracle! (unboxed spoilers aplenty for various media)

Santa also survives being shot nine times by the police in front of the neighbor kids and is able to deliver a blood soaked velveteen elephant (my absolute favorite Christmas movie).

It’s fiction. If the author says they do, they do.

Huey Freeman’s “The Adventures of Black Jesus,” is performed as scripted, unchanged (his teacher does get fired for generally being an irresponsible white person, though). Jazmine discovers that Santa really does exist. Riley… um… Riley gets next year to try to make Santa pay what he owes.

Well, if you can deal with another nitpick, all that stuff happened after New Years’ Eve. The only event that fits the thread was Layne’s dad fixing the garage door, which mom declared a Christmas miracle seconds before Layne backed the car out and pulverized the door.

Dad comes home on furlough, bringing a can of German jam, which Mum insists must have been poisoned because “they know we’re mad on jam!” They all have some, except Sis, who claims it’s not patriotic, and it’s not poisoned after all.

The schoolteacher gets her memory back and discovers that she’s really a spy.

The waitress realizes that having a stalker is romantic if he sneaks into your bedroom to leave you a Christmas tree.

A “fun old-fashioned family Christmas” is planned. Parents show up, as does an obnoxious cousin and his family, and a dotty old aunt who has gift-wrapped her cat. Many merry mixups ensue. In the end, the true meaning of Christmas is revealed. Sorta.