It's my birthday!

I’m 23 today.

I’m 2,000 miles away from home. I know virtually no one here in Orange County, CA. And the people I do know here are co-workers, and I’m ridiculously unhappy here since I found out a week ago that I’m being fired, effective Thursday.

Anyway, yay me. 23. Woo-hoo.

Happy Birthday Hannibal. :slight_smile:

(Wow, that’s something you figure you’d probably never get to say.)

Hey man, nobody likes you when you’re 23, or didn’t you know? (also 23 :slight_smile: )

Happy Birthday! May your days and nights be filled with hot sex and good food!

punk snot dead,

Happy Birthday HannibalV! Sorry about all of the crap coming down on you right now. But, if I had stayed doing what I was doing when I was 23, I’d be nuts or homeless (maybe both by now). Just remember, it’ll get better, it always does.

:: Presents HannibalV with a virtual b-day cake ::

Blow 'em all out and make a wish.

Happy birthday Hannibal. Now, would you like a kiss or a spanking?

Sounds like the Goddess is making the decision to leave Orange County all the easier.

Have as a good birthday as you can under the conditions.

Happy birthday, Hannibal!

Now in French…

Bon anniversaire, Hannibal!

In the words of Abraham Simpson, “Put me down for one of each!” :smiley:

Thanks for the greetings, all. Come, join the party, and someone bring bourbon. (If it’s virtual, I’m not going back on quitting drinking, right?)


Happy birthday.

Happy birthday from another December baby!

I brought the Burbon and the riding crop from my birthday thread. So now you can have a drink, a kiss, and a spanking!
I know, I am too generous.

What?! Why is everyone looking at me like that?