I've been outed! (pt. 2 --long and bloggish)

Thanks again for all of your support. I wish I was I could be confident that my mom was going to come around as some of you seem to be. I think it will be easier now that my siblings are aware of the issue with Dorothea fomenting bad feelings towards me. I think that they will take up my cause. And I appreciate it.

I do agree with what AuntiePam said that Mom needs to be assured that her parenting was good. Those assurances have to come from others. It doesn’t mean anything from me right now.

In the omitted “blow-by-blow” and “long conversation” Mom said things that were pretty hurtful —hurtful in that they would damage an immature teenager sort of way —not anything a rational, grown man couldn’t absorb and counter without malice. But I have no idea how long it will take for Mom to come around (if at all, though I believe she will).

The “I would have never allowed you to build on the property if . . .” is mighty close to “I love you conditionally”. I know it’s nuanced. It’s not the same, but it is hurtful. She didn’t want my sis to invite her bro-in-law last summer because he was going to bring his girlfriend. So Mom is very loving but does enamored with hate-mongerers like Hagee and Robertson.

"God put Adam and Eve in the garden. . . " is easy. "God said be fruitful and multiply; two men can’t multiply " —easy too. Of course I mentioned that there were over 6 billion people on the planet and that I didn’t think human beings were having a problem with multiplying. I asked her, “Do you think that your value is in the fact that you had children?”

She said, “No”. That was the end of that part of the discussion. I don’t know if she merely understood where the conversation was going and felt out-played, or if she accepted what was being said. If she is going to acquiesce that a human’s worth is not tied to the number of babies they’ve been partially responsible for, how can I dispel any irrational feelings she might have?

Also, some things she says just makes me sad. Don’t hold me to the math here, but, she’s only had sex with my Dad??? He’s been dead for almost 30 years! How horrible. Sex is crazy, stupid, comical, and----UTTERLY ENJOYABLE. I hate that her literal (but not really) interpretation of the Bible would deprive her of something so nice. —I’ve watched straight porn too —y’all’s is crazy, stupid, funny too.

She did say she loved me. I believe it. That might be enough. Maybe she’ll come around sooner than later. It sure would be a pain to move. (No I didn’t tell her that I was sorry that she hadn’t had sex in 30 years).

ETA: I meant to say that although I may not have mentioned it, I have used plenty of the things that y’all have suggested, for instance when she said “I don’t condone the lifestyle. . .” I countered with "what do you think the lifestyle is? We sleep, we get up, we eat —it’s not much different than yours. . . "

Add me to your fans, fervour. While people can be disappointing, they can also be surprising. Perhaps your mother will even surprise herself in terms of her acceptance of your ‘lifestyle.’ Deep down she wants you to be happy and I think it’s very telling that she also already loves your SO! Best wishes to you, and keep us posted on developments.

To stpauler – I enjoyed reading about your life, too. I wish that people who are ‘against’ homosexuality would just get to know the PEOPLE who are gay! They are people, first and foremost, after all. Your description of your life as a parent (Happy Fathers Day to you too! :slight_smile: ) makes an eloquent argument in favor of the normalcy of same-gender couples.

Good for you, fervour. I’m glad you’re handling this so well and have supportive siblings. I agree with everyone who says your mother eventually will come around. With time, she’ll see that you and your SO are the same great people you’ve always been, and it will make things easier. Sure she believes all those bad things the Hagee types say about “the gay lifestyle OMG!”, but has she ever had a real-life counterexample before? Now she does. I suspect your mom will get tired of Dorothea harrassing her and talking smack about her baby boy too.

I’ve never been so happy to read a part 2! Kick ass confrontation. I do have to ask, though – if your mom knew you and SO were living together, what did she think your relationship was, exactly?

Another **fervour **fan here. I just wanted to say: of course if we’re all wrong and your mom *doesn’t *come around eventually, I hope you won’t regress off your evident awesomeness and blame yourself in any way for not convincing her.

Give that man a standing ovation.

A modest suggestion: get your sisters to take your mother out on Friday nights. Or make Friday night a family night out. That way Dorothea’s visits can be legitimately declined.

Never underestimate the ability of a parent to deny what’s right in front of their eyes in relation to their children.

That’s not modest. That’s an excellent suggestion. Make it a treat the first time, so she can’t decline. If someone has a birthday or an anniversary around then, that’d be a perfect excuse. After that, just make it a regular thing.

As for your mother not having had sex with anyone but your father, I’m not surprised by that. Remember, the introduction of the pill, among other things, lead to a radical change in how sex is viewed. There are also many reasons why a woman might be content to remain a widow for 30 years. Maybe your mother feels no one could replace your father or that it would be disloyal to him to take up with someone else; maybe she’s just happier not having a man around the house to care for. Given how many kids she has, I’d say she has a pretty good idea of what she’s missing and she has her own reasons for missing it.

reading your posts i did wonder why dorothea was in your mum’s life. i see now. your mum seems to be the only one who cares a bit about her. dorothea seems to have a repel-a-way about her! it will take a bit longer, i’m sure she will repel your mum at some point. it may come about sooner that dorothea expected as she placed a wedge betwix mum and son.

that is not the best move to make. y’all have a really good family dynamic, and the fact that you and mum are able to talk, work things out, and listen to each other; will overcome anything dorothea can throw.

it may seem like a long time for you as mum works through everything. i’m sure she would have rather remained blissfully ignorant regarding you and so. unfortunatly once it is heard it can not be unheard. she will take much longer to deal with how she thinks and feels about your so than you.

i don’t see dorothea being in your mum’s life for long. a bit of a surprize for her. i think her motivation was to make your mum more dependant on her. if she can slowly cut out the people in your mum’s life that only leaves her, right? from what you’ve written she doesn’t have people in her life so she will jealously guard anyone who shows a bit of interest.

also thanks for ruining one of my favourite names. she really doesn’t live up to the meaning. in this case more like gift of the devil.

May I point out that you, fervour, are the one displaying the Christian virtues of charity and forgiveness; Dorothea is the one who sees only the mote in her neighbour’s eye without removing the plank in her own?

Stand by your Mum and she will come around. I’d advise you to do exactly what you have been doing with D.; it’s up to your Mum to figure out who is trying to poison the well. You will be fine - let Dorothea hang herself with her own rope.

Wishing you courage and strength.

Fervour, good on you for handlng this in a mature and adult manor. I’m not sure why anyone sees you as getting “Dorothea and her little dog too”. After reading all of this, the visualization I had of Dorothea made me ask just two questions:

Q1: When did Dorothea stop chasing Carol-Anne to start bothering you?

Q2: Why wasn’t she at the McCain rally instead?

All I can think to say is, damn boy…you rock!

Yesterday Mom invited me and my brother to eat lunch with her. I was a bit offended that she didn’t mention SO. I told her that SO had already made Teriyaki Chicken. She said, “Tell him to bring it. I know that he wouldn’t want the sausage, but he can have potatoes, squash, and a salad, along with his chicken.”

At the table, my SO reached to get a piece of sausage. He didn’t want it but was trying to make a friendly gesture. Mom stopped him saying, “I know you sometimes eat sausage but you won’t want that kind. It has MSG.” SO doesn’t eat food with MSG as it will give him a migraine. So I was greatly encouraged. We’ve been in a protocol-as-usual mode, but this is the first time I felt Mom was easing over toward acceptance.

I was taking offense where none was intended. I realized Mom didn’t feel the need to say that she was clearing out her fridge before she went off for the weekend. She didn’t feel the need to say, “Well I didn’t invite [SO] because I knew he wouldn’t want sausage with MSG but I needed to cook this sausage before I left.” That’s the sort of thing she would say when we first moved here—stuff like, “I wish I had something for [SO], but he doesn’t eat [whatever she had fixed that day]----”, but she would always invite both of us when she had fixed something she knew he would eat.

She just assumed I would think the best of her, which I didn’t, but I’m glad that it turned out OK. I’m glad that I figured it out without having a discussion about it.

I’m thinking this is all the resolution I’m going to get. This will probably be the last update. I’m not expecting a huge reveal where Mom says, “I’m not OK with you and SO being gay, but SO is welcome to stay.” I am expecting the eventual acceptance of SO now through small acts.

fervour, just remember: small victories are still victories.

—Thought this might be confusing. I meant “. . . which I didn’t at first. . .”
I was trying to say I had misjudged her.

Yay, Mom!

Yay to your entire family! You come from a good one, fervour.

Glad to see this is moving to a good ending.

Not to be redundant, but you handled this admirably. Your mother should be very proud of you!

Woot! Go fervour! Go fervour’s-mom!