I've got a great idea for a movie

A team of former presidents of the USA, disguising themselves as famous surfers, mount a spree of bank robberies over the winter months in order to finance their endless global initiatives.

One lone surfer, determined to bust up this crime spree, infiltrates the gang by pretending to be George W. Bush. The action never lets up until the climactic showdown where they challenge eachother to a cliff-diving competittion in acapulco.

Don’t ask me where I got the idea - it just came to me in a waking dream.

Doogie Hawser, J.P.

At 13 years of age, super genius Doogie Hawser, is the youngest person ever to graduate from Yale Law School. Moving back to his hometown in Kentucky, he quickly becomes a local celebrity and is pushed into public service as a Justice of the Peace. However, after a series of questionable decisions on his part, leading to bizzarre and outlandish sentencing, the local population slowly comes to realize that book smarts and a genius intellect is still no substitute for emotional maturity and life experience, and further that allowing a lawyer who hasn’t passed the bar exam to preside over criminal trials is pretty much a violation of federal due process. Doogie gets fired from his position and goes on to a long and distinguished career performing feats of memory at local county fairs.

D’oh! I thought it looked wrong.