I've started a swim team. (or we're having a second baby)

Both my wife and I are swimmers, as is the little one who’s now 22 months. Well since it takes four people to have a relay team we decided to remedy that little problem by having a forth. Come June 3, which is also my father’s birthday, there will be a full relay team here at the Eddie household.

We do plan on finding out the sex, and since every baby in my family born in June has been male that’s what I’m guessing. Of course the little bugger may come early and screw everything up giving us three females in the house!

For the most part Iris has been feeling good. She’s tired, and the first trimester was not the best, but no real morning sickness. She’s also gone back to swimming a bit and says she feels good.

I think though that I might be the one gaining weight and not her. I think I need to get back to the pool.

ETA: if someone would be so kind as to kill the other blank thread.

Congrats! Hope the rest of the pregnancy goes swimmingly.

As I said in email, congratulations! I can’t wait to meet the new little one (and the old little one, for that matter!)

Congratulations. Wishing you a lifetime of joy with your new family.

In the “Tell me about living in DC” thread, you say you live in Gaithersburg. So I assume the baby will be born at Shady Grove? That’s where I was born.

Yep, the new one will be born at Shady Grove. They have just opened a new birthing wing and everyone gets their own room. We tried Frederick before, because all the grandparents are there, and had a horrible time.


At least, being swimmers, your costs are fairly low…Swim wear, towel, goggles…

I was a swimmer to the age of 20 (I’m 47 now)… both my boys play(ed) Ice Hockey…now that sport has $ome major expen$es…

Good LUCK…(on a side note, what was your and your wife main distance/strokes)


I’m a free, fly, and IMer. Mostly of 100-400 distances. My wife is a breast stroker for 50s and 100s. All we have to add is a back stroker and we’ll all good.