Jaded New Yorker Stories

The First Subway Story:

Right after I finished law school I lived in Park Slope, Brooklyn, near Grand Army Plaza. I was taking the No. 2 train home one Sunday evening, reading the newspaper and (insert foreshadowing smiley) minding my own business when we get to the stop before mine: Bergen Street. The announcer calls forth, in an accent that is now all but gone:

Boygen Street! Boygen Street!

I look up with some trepidation, thinking to myself that Mel Blanc is now driving this train, which is not a good thing since he’s dead.

And then I look down.

Not for any reason. My glance just happens to fall to the floor for the first time in my 20-some minute journey.

It falls upon:

A dildo. Large, caucasian-flesh-colored. I’d say about 10".

I start laughing hysterically. Everyone around me starts laughing, too, mainly at me since I’m so slow on the uptake. I keep wondering how it got there (ewwww), and what you might say to the person who lost it:

Excuse me, sir, I think you dropped something…

And I thought briefly about the poor schmo back at the yard who would have to remove it.

But please understand that no one - not a single person in the car - commented on it until I started laughing.

That’s why I stay in New York.

(the second story will come tomorrow, I think)

Just this morning on my way to work, I saw this big, burly guy on Fifth Avenue. From the waist up, he was dressed as a NYC police officer: regulation hat, shirt. From the waist down, cheerleader: tiny pleated skirt, drum majorette boots. He was marching proudly down the steeet, twirling a baton. I followed him for two blocks (well, I didn’t follow him, we were just walking in the same direction), and I saw nary a raised eyebrow or double-take from the passersby.

Jaded New Yorker story:

:: stuyguy opens thread, halfheartedly reads posts, moves on ::